InTeGrate May Module Team Meetings
May 19-24, 2013, Carleton College
Team Leaders
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
David Gosselin, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
David McConnell, North Carolina State University
David Steer, University of Akron
New Module Authors
Kathryn Baldwin, Washington State University- Pullman
Callan Bentley, Northern Virginia Community College
Peter Berquist, Thomas Nelson Community College
Brittany Brand, Boise State University
Randy Chambers, The College of William and Mary
Martha Conklin, University of California Merced
Maurice Crawford, Elizabeth City State University
Benjamin Cuker, Hampton University
Nicole Davi, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Jennifer Dechaine, Central Washington University
Jean Ellis, University of South Carolina
Sarah Fortner, Whittenberg College
Susan Gill, Stroud Water Research Center
Laurel Goodell, Princeton
Pamela Gore, Georgia Perimeter College
Rodger Hauge, Eastern Washington University
Adam Hoffman, University of Dubuque
Dinah Maygarden, University of New Orleans
Pamela McMullin-Messier, Central Washington University
Martha Murphy, Santa Rosa Junior College
Terri Plake, Northwest Indian College
Hannah Scherer, Virginia Tech
Melissa Schlegel, College of Western Idaho
Peter Selkin, University of Washington-Tacoma
Christopher Sinton, Ithaca College
Rachel Teasdale, California State University, Chico
Wei Tu, Georgia Southern University
Robert Turner, University of Washington Bothell
Gary Varrella, Washington State University - Extension
Lei Wang, Louisiana State University
James Washburne, Pima Community College and University of Arizona
Timothy White, Pennsylvania State University
Continuing Module Authors
Prajukti Bhattacharyya, University of Wisconsin- Whitewater
Joy Branlund, Southwestern Illinois College
James Ebert, SUNY Oneonta
Cynthia Fadem, Earlham College
Josh Galster, Montclair State University
Lisa Gilbert, Williams College
Kyle Gray, University of Northern Iowa
Leah Joseph, Ursinus College
Scott Linneman, Western Washington University
Julie Monet, California State University, Chico
Joan Ramage, Lehigh University
Jill Schneiderman, Vassar College
Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado
Meg Stewart, independent instruction technologist
Jeff Thomas, Central Connecticut State University
Joshua Villalobos, El Paso Community College
Becca Walker, Mt San Antonio College
Assessment Team
Leilani Arthurs, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Aida Awad, Maine East High School
Carol Baldassari, Lesley University
Barbara Bekken, Virginia Tech
Stuart Birnbaum, University of Texas at San Antonio
Joshua Caulkins, University of Rhode Island
Jackie Delisi, Education Development Center, Inc.
Ellen Iverson, Carleton College
Mary Savina, Carleton College
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Emily Ward, Rocky Mountain College
Graduate Student Assistants
Michael Pelch, North Carolina State University
LeeAnna Chapman, North Carolina State University
Cathy Manduca, Lead PI
Sean Fox, Technical Director
Monica Bruckner, Webteam Consultant
Molly Kent, Webteam Consultant
Kristin O'Connell, Webteam Consultant