GETSI Phase 2 Materials Development Workshop Agenda
February 9-11, 2018
UNAVCO Office, Boulder CO
Before Meeting
Complete the pre-meeting tasks on the Participant Checklist.
Meeting Goals
- Get to know your partner author
- Start the materials development process
- Be able to use the Serckit Content Management System
- Review potential geodesy data types and sources related to your module theme, identify most likely candidate data sets, and start planning for needed technical support from a student intern
- Sketch out your module: Develop a common and specific vision of your module goals and components and document it in the Checkpoint #1 workspace
- Establish a working relationship between each other, your assessment consultant, and Beth
- Become familiar with the assessment data collection process and know where to look up additional information as needed
- Create a work plan, timeline, and communications plan for completing the module (including collaboration with Beth or technical expert as needed to gain access to desired data sets)
Meeting Rooms
- UNAVCO Classroom - will be the location for all activities involving the entire group
- Lakeside, Kitchen, and Boardroom meeting rooms will also be used for work in smaller groups.
February 9, Friday
*The agenda is pretty detailed because there is a lot to cover; we certainly have the leeway to deviate from the "schedule" as makes sense to respond to group needs.
8 am Pre-workshop PI Meeting -- Beth, Becca, and Bruce. Meghan and Donna will join for 9-10 am -- 2018-02-09 PI Meeting (private workspace))
12:00 pm Lunch at Gurkhas in Gunbarrel (for anyone who has arrived by this time) GETSI workshop - map of UNAVCO area (Acrobat (PDF) 240kB Dec7 17)
1:00 pm START - Welcome, Introductions, and Workshop Overview GETSI Development Meeting Intro (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 15.9MB Feb9 18) - Meghan and Beth
- Including Monica and Kristin of SERC on WebEx
- Agenda, UNAVCO layout, local map
- Collect Author Agreement paperwork
- Authors complete the Faculty consent form for the public instructor stories portion of the project
1:45 pm Potential geodesy datasets - Beth
- Teams spend time reviewing candidate data sets with a technical expert or teammates and brainstorming likely needs and hurdles
- this is set a bit early to accommodate UNAVCO staff travel
- if you do not need to meet with UNAVCO staff, work on learning outcomes or module outline with your partner
- Resources mentioned by Chris Crosby (crosby AT and Christine Puskas (puskas AT
- Lidar
- OpenTopography - data portal for (mostly airborne) lidar collected by EarthScope, NCALM, and a variety of other partners
- US Interagency Elevation Inventory - shows availability of high-accuracy topographic and bathymetric data for the United States and its territories; does not provide the data but gives info on where the data may be located
- UNAVCO Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) Data Portal
- Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Network Page
- University of Nevada Reno GPS Data - UNR processes a lot more GPS data than UNAVCO and from around the world but the station quality and duration varies a lot more
- UNAVCO Geodetic Data Services Community Page - includes announcements, case studies of different sites, GPS news
- WInSAR data portal - mostly unprocessed SAR data, not finish interferograms
- Lidar
2:45 pm Content Management System Intro to Serckit CMS (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1010kB Feb8 18) - Beth and Ellen
- SERC's CMS Help and Instruction pages
- You are most likely to start with Quick Edit Help and Using SERC Workspaces
- InTeGrate/GETSI module structure - these notes help overview the structure and elements of each module
- Materials in Progress links to teaching module pages.
- Short task:
- Go into your module's "Checkpoint 1 Workspace" or "Reporting" page (check with your partner and make sure you are each accessing a different page)
- Click red "Edit" in upper right
- Upload a file and then paste the file link at the bottom of the page; save and refresh the page
- Upload an image and then paste the file link at the bottom of the page; save and refresh the page
- Look at the SERC CMS Image documentation. Edit something about your image link so that it appears bigger or smaller or on a different side of the page; save and refresh the page
- Now erase what you did; save and refresh the page
- If you are already highly familiar with SERC's CMS, help someone else
3:10 pm Group Photo & Break
3:30 pm Quick tour of UNAVCO
4:00 pm Additional Resources related to Guiding Principles and Goals/Outcomes - Beth
- Resources:
- Development Model & Guiding Principles
- GETSI preparatory webinar #1 Introduction to the GETSI-InTeGrate Development Model & Guiding Principles
- GETSI Materials Development Rubric (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 134kB Dec7 17)
- GETSI Short Grading Rubric (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) PRIVATE FILE 53kB Dec7 17)
- Grand Challenges
- Climate, Earth Science, and GETSI-specific literacy principles (Acrobat (PDF) 51kB Jan18 14).
- Geodesy Grand Challenges (Acrobat (PDF) 9.7MB Jan24 14)
- Interdisciplinary
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching
- Existing GETSI and InTeGrate modules provide many good examples of interdisciplinary connections.
- Geoscientific thinking; nature and methods of science
- Geodesy data
- Quantitative Skills
- Excel tutorial
- Teaching with Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum
- Khan Academy has many modules that might help support the quantitative skills your students need.
- The Math You Need When You Need It project provides a variety of geoscience math examples for intro-level courses (also used by a variety of upper level courses).
- Goals & Outcomes
- GETSI preparatory webinar #2 GETSI-InTeGrate Development Approach & Writing Learning Goals
- Bloom's Taxonomy Handouts (Zip Archive 371kB Jan22 18)
- InTeGrate overview of setting learning goals
- Edutopia on Webb's Depth of Knowledge
- Development Model & Guiding Principles
- Work on Learning Goals/Outcomes and/or module outline as time remains
5:20 pm Roadcheck - Day #1
5:30 pm Dinner at Avery Brewing Co next to UNAVCO
February 10, Saturday
Courtesy breakfast - Hampton Inn at Gunbarrel; meet 7:45 am in entry to drive to UNAVCO office (drivers are Jon, Rachel, Beth, Venkatesh, Rachel)
8:00 am Report-out on progress, ideas, or challenges
- Adapted module - not work too hard to make from scratch but also have ownership of material that will work for their specific intro courses
- change the learning goals?
- iteration of the outline -- too many possibilities
- balance between geodetic and not-geodetic data sets
- GPS - standard outline for each unit - of moving thru from data analysis to recommendations
- balance between taking from what is there but making it fit within their structure
- needs to keep referring back to the goals to make sure goals/assessments
- Needed to step back and revisit the overall goals and use that to rethink what will be in the individual units
- Can a given unit work as a standalone?
- Try to keep the pedagogy/activities from all being the same
- Making a list of data and other needs
- Have come up with outline of what they want to do; how much detail is ok?
- How much is too much for geoscience students compared to engineers
- Balance between interdicsiplinary and expertise
- Next step is really getting learning goals down
- Launched into data sets right away but now need to step back and look at the goal more; bring them into focus
- Struggling how to adapt the climate change module; seem like they will mostly use the same units but up the goals and levels to higher level
- most dealing with actual data and maybe even modeling rather than just graphs
- final assessment will probably be a report not exam questions
- need to keep the length under control - always take longer than you think it will for the students
8:30 am Development process, general timeline, module scope guidance
- Module Development Timeline - Ellen and Beth
- Advice for module authors - Becca and Bruce
- Reflections from Becca - Intro level modules (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 971kB Feb14 18)
- Reflections from Bruce - Majors level modules (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 978kB Feb14 18)
- Reflections from Becca - Intro level modules (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 971kB Feb14 18)
- Vision for New vs Adapted modules - Beth, Becca, Bruce
- Revising modules - there is travel money of $1200 per New module for authors to do "revision weekend" (presumably one partner would travel to the other's location for a weekend OR it could be used for extra housing costs if you both meet early at a conference you are both attending)
- Dissemination - Beth
- All modules will be featured in one or more webinars and one or both authors will present
- GETSI has additional stipends of $300-$1200 for in-person short courses, depending on the level of leadership, time, and travel needed
- Ex. Earth Educators Rendezvous 2019 or 2020
- Ex. Local/region meeting or discipline-specific meeting
- Work in teams to record the following information into the CMS
- Timeline for development checkpoints
- Communication plan for working remotely with your partner
- Materials in Progress
- Timeline for development checkpoints (Reporting page)
- Communication plan for working remotely with your partner (Reporting page)
- Complete goals and description/outline (Checkpoint 1 Workspace)
- Alignment between learning goals/outcomes and assessments (Checkpoint 1 Workspace)
- Complete module outline of units (Checkpoint 1 Workspace)
- Instructional strategies (in outline in Checkpoint 1 Workshop)
- Discuss geodetic data plans with Beth: develop a task list for graduate student interns and determine data management that will be done by authors (Reporting page)
- Consider whether your module might benefit from the development of an animation or video. Discuss ideas with Beth.
- Discuss assessment plans with assessment consultant
- Discuss how you will weave student reflection (metacognition) into your module
- Develop a common vision for rubrics within your team
- Determine your module title if you have not already
Take break as needed
11:00 am Additional Resources related to Assessments & Rubrics - Beth
- Work time in module teams to start developing the alignment between learning goals/outcomes and assessments
- Resources:
- GETSI preparatory webinar #3 Assessments & Rubrics
- InTeGrate resources and designing assessments
- Understanding What Our Geoscience Students Are Learning: Observing and Assessing
11:15 am Instructional Strategies (including metacognition) & Teaching Materials
- Instructional Strategies and Metacognition (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 10.7MB Feb10 18) - Beth
- Work time in teams to discuss instructional strategies and teaching materials
- Plate Boundary Observatory playing cards webpage
- Resources:
- Instructional Strategies
- Many ideas for Teaching Methods from SERC's Pedagogy in Action site
- Metacognition
- InTeGrate resources on Metacognition
- Role of Metacognition in Learning
- Webinar about metacognition screencast from InTeGrate
- Flipped Classrooms
- The NSTA book Lecture-Free Teaching is specifically for the college level.
- Brame, C., (2013). Flipping the classroom. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching
- 5 E Learning Cycle
- 5 E Learning Cycle Overview
- BSCS 5E Instructional Model History and Reports (BSCS initiated the 5E model)
- Some reviewed collections of high quality teaching materials include CLEAN, Earth Exploration Toolbox, and of course InTeGrate
- Teaching Materials
- UNAVCO Youtube Channel includes a wide variety of videos, demonstrations, and animations
- Example of GETSI animation: Measuring Drought: A GPS Network Offers A New Perspective
- Example of GETSI online tool: Visible Earthquakes InSAR Modeling Tool
- Instructional Strategies
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Continue team work on TEAM TASKS listed above
Take break as needed
4:30 pm GETSI template formats and document accessibility issues
- GETSI templates and accessbility (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.2MB Apr14 15) - Beth
- Resources:
- GETSI file templates
- GETSI Word Template (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 208kB May26 23)
- GETSI Powerpoint Template (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.2MB Jul15 24)
- GETSI Accessibility Style Guide
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
- Creating accessible Word documents
- Creating and verifying PDF accessibility
- Copyright
- Attribution Builder
- GETSI file templates
- Module Workflow Suggestions - much less to do as you build things rather than try to put it in later
- Use document templates - GETSI Word Template (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 208kB May26 23), GETSI Powerpoint Template (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.2MB Jul15 24)
- Keep track of copyright - at least note where you got each image (in pptx notes or docx captions) even if the copyright isn't totally ok yet. That will make it easier to figure out where we need to expend effort to achieve copyright satisfaction.
- MAKE NOTES in the pptx slides to help future instructors understand what the point of each slide is.
- MAKE ANSWER KEYS as you go along in developing student exercises. This pertains to exercises with definite or fairly narrow answers - not for papers.
5:20 pm Roadcheck - Day #2
6:30 pm Dinner at Elements Bistro near the Hampton Inn
February 11, Sunday
Courtesy breakfast - Hampton Inn at Gunbarrel; meet 7:45 am in entry to drive to UNAVCO office (drivers are Jon, Rachel, Beth, Venkatesh, Rachel).
8:00 am Logistics & Report-out on progress, ideas, or challenges
- Mostly people are at or close to Checkpoint 1
- Challenges with finding the right climate data
- Desire to include probability in volcanic module; perhaps working with Jim there can be a more student engaging way to do it that applies to more hazards.
- Challenges with adapted modules
- 2 into modules - finding that putting together the modules much structure, text, and wrapper need rewriting but base data sets and animations are the same
- majors module - 2 units relatively unchanged, 2 unites quite changed, 1 partway changed
8:30 am Testing Process and Data Collection (GLE, Attitude, IRB, etc.)
- Data Collection and IRB (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.7MB Feb10 18) - Ellen
- Example of scoring student work (blank spreadsheet for Surface Processes module) (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 15kB Feb10 18)
- GETSI forms and documents
- Teams revisit timeline and add data collection and components
9:00 am Continuing working on the tasks listed in 9:30 pm Saturday section and generally get as much done as possible.
Take a break as needed
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Continue working on above tasks
1:30 pm Workshop evaluation
2:00 pm Adjourn - Melissa has arranged car pools of people with flights as similar time. The leadership team also has several cars between them and can drive others if needed.
Feedback on using GETSI modules
- how long does each unit actually take - options for lecture/lab needs
- search engine for duration needed
- perhaps put the students exercise link up by the summery