« Workshop Screenshot Discussion2

Otter's in the river  

Otter may also be in deep doo-doo?! For being raather late!
However, he also gets to read and add everyone else's wisdom to his river response!

Answering the following questions:
What does your graph show? Please briefly describe it.
It shows ppt events (rain,snow, sleet,hail,cats n dogs), resulting runoff with lag times of reaching the river and points downstrewam measured in changes in CFS. The CFS might well also be showing groundwater recharge into the stream which would not be as dramatic as runoff changes.

What factors influence the way the Sudbury River responds to precipitation?
Since the gauging station in this data set is just downstream from the Mass Turnpike and the city of Framingham, obviously impervious runoff peaks quickly in the river in stormwater runoff drains. Temperature and moisture of the soil determine soil absorption, percolation and runoff. If the ground is frozen or very dry, more rainfall will run off. Vegetation will determine if water can be absorbed before it hits the river and season determines if the vegetation is traqnspiring. If the weather is very hot and dry; washing cars, lawns and people might increase withdawing groundwater or even water from another watershed(interbasin transfer)and transfer it to the Sudbury or to a waste treatment fdacility which feeds the river.

In what ways can you imagine incorporating Excel techniques and/or streamflow/precipitation data into your teaching?
We have adopted rivers in the history of my being at the Wheeler School. Both have USGS gauging stations. It would be great to compare the Providence gauging station at the mouth of the Moshassuck River to one in the rural upper reach.

For example, are there other numerical datasets you are thinking about using with with Excel?
Since our river workshop, I've summoned up my courage and used excel to quantify perceived risk from student surveys, average the data and compare to actual risks, and then compare different types of graphs in the chart wizard to display the data. Very cool!

What lingering questions (if any) do you have from today's workshop?
Getting my AP Env Science 9th graders ready for their exam May 13th, when will I catch up to earthquakes????


_1210449207.xls (Excel 122kB May10 08)


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« Workshop Screenshot Discussion2