Instructor Stories

Get inspired! Browse the collection of instructor stories to learn about how instructors used EDDIE modules in their classroom.

Results 1 - 15 of 63 matches

Using Project EDDIE modules in MSC 160 Oceanography
Jacqui Degan, Cape Fear Community College
All students have at some point experienced a storm. The Bomb Cyclone module is a great series of activities to use during the Atmospheric Circulation section of an Introductory Oceanography course. It introduces students to working with large datasets and basic graphing skills in Excel, and exposes students to how messy real data can be.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Bomb Cyclones - They're Explosive!

Using the Project EDDIE Major Ions in Freshwater Systems module in Environmental Processes, Challenges, and Methods
Megan Kelly, Loyola University Chicago
This module introduces students to a common and important source of freshwater pollution that invites debate about how to address the problem. By examining publicly available data, students can discover what types of environments are likely to suffer from road salt pollution, compare environmental concentrations of chloride to concentrations of legal and biological concern, and either defend the use of sodium chloride for road deicing or propose another solution, based on their understanding of the data.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Major Ions in Freshwater Systems

Using Project EDDIE modules in Global Challenges, Scientific Solutions: Climate Change
Pamela Freeman, The College of Saint Scholastica
We found this case study to have an outsized impact on our students. The students reported feeling more confident with data, spreadsheets, and analysis, and were surprised with what they could do. They were also surprised by the biological findings, some events were happening earlier and some were not affected by slightly warmer temperatures.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Phenology Trends and Climate Change in Minnesota

Using the Project EDDIE Green Infrastructure/Green Roofs module in Envsci101
Elizabeth Farrell, Nassau Community College
Excess runoff often times carries with it pollutants and contaminants, and has proven to damage water quality. In this module students will explore green roofs as a potential solution to the environmental impacts of increased precipitation brought on by climate change. The module is designed to help students learn how to work with data tin order to help develop and improve their analytical and critical thinking skills.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Green Infrastructure/Green Roofs

Using Project EDDIE modules in Earth Science
Adriana Perez, El Paso Community College
Working with real life data can be a a very rewarding activity for students. It gives them the opportunity to have hands-on experience and therefore is more likely to enhance their learning experience.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:GLOBE Observer Data Analysis through Concept Mapping

Using Project EDDIE modules in Historical and Analytical Geology
Sean Bryan, Colorado State University
The Paleoclimate of the Last 2k Years Module examines the very recent geologic record of climate change and sets the stage for Anthropogenic climate change. It gives students practice graphing data in MS Excel, determining trends, and interpreting real proxy records. The module may be useful in a range of courses including Introductory Geoscience, Historical Geology, Global Change, Paleoclimatology, etc.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Paleoclimate of the Last 2K Years

Using Project EDDIE modules in DSL 200: Scientific Literacy
Alanna Lecher, Lynn University
This module will convince even the most anthropocentric student why they should care about environmental pollution. It's also a great way to shows students a practical application of hypothesis testing.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Environmental Pollution & Public Health

Using Project EDDIE modules in Hybrid Oceanography Lab
Karen Bridges, Howard Community College
Karen Bridges, Howard Comm About this Course Hybrid Oceanography Lab Laboratory Course Introductory Undergraduate Non-Majors 20 students in the course Show Course Description HideStudents will investigate the ...

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Paleoclimate and Ocean Biogeochemistry

Using Project EDDIE modules in Invertebrate Biology
Emily Mohl, Saint Olaf College
Phenology is a broadly accessible topic for students with clear relevance for understanding and predicting the effects of climate change; consequently, it provides strong motivation for students to develop data analysis skills. Using data from the National Phenology Network, students are able to make decisions about how to use simple tools like scatterplots and linear regressions to predict which species are likely to be impacted by climate change. They must wrestle with questions about data reliability and confidence in their answers.

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Climate Drivers of Phenology

Using the Project EDDIE Remote Sensing of Plants and Topography in R module in BIOL 533 – GIS Applications in Landscape Ecology
Liz Ferguson, California State University-San Marcos
Elizabeth Ferguson, California State University, San Marcos About this Course BIOL 533 – GIS Applications in Landscape Ecology Lecture and Lab Graduate Majors 27 students in the course Show Course Description ...

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Remote Sensing of Plants and Topography in R

Using Project EDDIE modules in Introduction to Environmental Science
Kristy Hopfensperger, Northern Kentucky University
Kristy Hopfensperger, Northern Kentucky University About this Course Introduction to Environmental Science Lecture Course Introductory Undergraduate Majors and Non-Majors Show Course Description Hide A ...

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Phenology Trends and Climate Change in Minnesota

Using Project EDDIE modules in GEOL 103 - Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Jessica Domino, Alfred University
Jess Domino, Alfred University About this Course GEOL 103 - Earthquakes and Volcanoes Lecture and Lab Introductory Undergraduate Non-Majors 16 students in the course Show Course Description Hide This course ...

EDDIE Modules: Environmental Data:Climate Change

Using Project EDDIE modules in Oceanography
Sarah "Sally" Zellers, University of Central Missouri
Sally Zellers, University of Central Missouri About this Course Oceanography Lecture Course Introductory Undergraduate Non-Majors 4 students in the course Show Course Description Hide Introduction to ocean science ...

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Hypoxia in Coastal Marine Ecosystems

Using Project EDDIE modules in Earth Science
Gregory Reiva, St. Thoms the Apostle School
Greg Reiva, St. Thoms the Apostle School About this Course Earth Science Lecture and Lab 22 students in the course Show Course Description Hide6th grade Earth Science class. Show Course Goals HideThe goal of the ...

EDDIE Modules: Earth and Ecosystems:Green Infrastructure/Green Roofs

Using Project EDDIE modules in Current Environmental Challenges Analysis and Solutions
Susan Gass, Dalhousie University
Sue Gass, Dalhousie University About this Course Current Environmental Challenges Analysis and Solutions Lecture and Lab Introductory Undergraduate Majors and Non-Majors 120 students in the course Show Course ...