Module Development Timeline and Expectations
Initial Publication Date: July 12, 2021
LTER EDDIE Modules, starting Sept 2021

Module Development Workshop
The workshop is the starting point for developing an EDDIE module. By the end of the workshop modules and authors are named, team leads assigned, draft module started, and initial contracts are sent soon after.
Author responsibilities
- Review the module development expectations and tasks outline in this timeline
- Record the information critical to initiate your contract on your draft module Serckit page (coming soon), including:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Summary
- Outline of Activity A, B, and C
- Dataset being used
- NOTE: The full set of components will be required after the teaching pilot is completed
- Serckit page (See: Blank Module with Instructions - coming soon)
- Student handout (See blank file: modulename_module_student_blank.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 93kB Feb5 20))
- Instructor guide (See blank file: module_instructors_blank.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 93kB Feb5 20)
- Powerpoint with no copyright protected images
- Version of the data that will be downloaded from the module web page (data file)
- Record your plan for testing the materials (course and timing)
- Record your small team's plan for 4 post-workshop meetings over the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Semester for discussions on your teaching and LTER interests (meetings to be completed by May 15, 2022)
- Resources
Team Lead responsibilities
- Review the module outline and testing plan
- Provide feedback to the author at workshop, including any additional information needed to establish contract, and any concerns about alignment with rubric
- Consider any copyright issues and refer developer to SERC staff or the project illustrator.
- Complete initial module approval form to record that the module and plan are approved and recorded so that SERC can send contract
SERC responsibilities
- Update initial contract form with team name, once established (web team)
- Monitor Initial contract queue and send contract when approved in form by team lead (Amy Collette)
Materials in Development
Following the workshop, author(s) will complete a draft module and submit to team lead for review before piloting in their course(s). Sufficient instructor and student materials needs to be complete prior to review so that the team lead can evaluate the module against the rubric.
- 2021-2022 Academic Year
- Finalize draft modules with team lead. Team lead will review the materials against the rubric and provide the go ahead for piloting.
- Partial stipends provided for finished complete drafts
Author(s) responsibilities
- Pre-pilot materials all posted to the module website (can be as uploaded documents)
- Updates to existing content reflecting progress since the contract was put in place
- Student handout
- Instructor guide
- Supporting materials (e.g. ppt or other introductory material)
- Version of the data that will be downloaded from the module web page (data file)
- Contacts team lead with at least 2 weeks before teaching that materials are ready for review
Team lead responsibilities
- Review materials against the rubric and agrees that they are ready to pilot or provides feedback for needed changes
- Uploads a passing rubric review document to the Payment 1 form
SERC responsibilities
- Amy monitors Payment 1 form queue and starts process of paying stipend when documentation from team lead is complete
- Amy initiates new contract for Phase 2
Classroom Pilot and Revision
- Winter - Spring 2021/22
- Pilot your module by March 15, 2022
- Spring 2022 revisions
- Update your module based on your experience piloting, by April 1, 2022
- Submit an instructor story
- Double check your materials for copyright
- Ask team lead and SERC staff when you have questions
Author(s) responsibilities
- Pilot materials in course
- E-mail Sarah Fortner ( that the teaching pilot happened
- Write and submit an Instructor Story to share your experience with teaching the module
- Revise module based on your experience teaching. (Team leads will help answer questions.)
- Alert Monica Bruckner ( if a critical image only exists in a copyrighted format and you need to work with an illustrator to recreate it.
- All materials on SERC module page and all module components uploaded to the module page. All sections complete.
- Website we started at the workshop is filled out (See: Blank Module with Instructions)
- Student handout (See blank file: modulename_module_student_blank.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 93kB Feb5 20))
- Instructor guide (See blank file: module_instructors_blank.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 93kB Feb5 20)
- Powerpoint and any other supporting materials with no copyright protected images
- Version of the data that will be downloaded from the module web page (data file)
- E-mail Monica ( that all module parts are completed, revisions are finished and a penultimate version is ready to go to review.
Team lead responsibilities
- Fielding questions from developers and piloters as needed
- Check in with teams that are moving more slowly than expected
- Connect author with artist to create any relevant artwork
- Communicate with Monica any barriers to completion of the module site
- Communicate with Sarah when module is ready for external review
- Communicate with authors regarding needed modifications following external review
- Communicate with Sarah when the module meets the content standard for publication
SERC responsibilities
- SERC submits pilot and revision form and updates status to "pilot complete"
- Copy edit the instructor stories and make them ready to publish including IRB considerations
- Provide instructor story data to the research team
- Review modules for completeness before forwarding to reviewers
External and SERC Review and Publishing
- Spring/Early summer 2022 - Reviews, Instructor Stories, Final Revisions
- Tell us modules are ready for review by e-mailing your team lead, Sarah Fortner ( and Monica Bruckner (, by April 1, 2022
- SERC staff will conduct copy edits and copyright review and work with developers to resolve any questions.
- Please respond to the staff reviewer(s) when they have questions or suggestions
- SERC will forward edited modules to an external reviewer who will provide comments.
- Respond to the reviewer's comments and make the required updates; If you are facing any challenges with these, your team lead will help you determine which comments must be addressed before publishing and which are suggestions for improvement
- Communicate with your team lead that your revisions are complete by May 15, 2022. They will determine if the module is ready for publication.
- Conduct a final review of all of your materials before publishing. Let Monica know this has happened (
- SERC staff will enliven your final edited modules and instructor stories by June 20, 2022
- Remainder of stipends provided for published modules
- Ongoing
- Module developers retain access to edit and update modules into the future
Resources for module development