Rendezvous Announcements

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Rendezvous Attendee Information for Monday
× Whether you are a first-time participant or a veteran of Rendezvous, we hope you were able to meet new colleagues and connect with old friends at the Opening Reception! Tomorrow marks the official start of ...

Rendezvous Attendee Information for Tuesday
We hope those who joined us for Monday are having a wonderful experience so far! Before tomorrow's sessions begin, please take a moment to consult the Program for Tuesday's afternoon offerings. Options ...

Rendezvous Attendee Information for Wednesday
We hope your Rendezvous experience has been engaging and invigorating so far! As you plan your Wednesday, please take a moment to consult the Program for Wednesday's afternoon opportunities. Options include ...

Rendezvous Attendee Information for Thursday
To those participants just arriving at the Rendezvous, welcome! Thursday is transition day. Whether you are just joining us for the second part of the Rendezvous, or if you have been with us since the beginning of ...

Rendezvous Attendee Information for Friday
Tomorrow may be the last day of the Rendezvous, but engaging topics and learning opportunities abound! Before you begin Friday's morning workshop, please take a moment to consult the program for afternoon ...

Thank you for attending the 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous!
Thank you for attending the 9th annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous! What a tremendous week of learning, sharing, networking, and collaborating! We hope you connected with old colleagues, made new connections, ...

2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous
Save the date for the ninth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous! NAGT and the Rendezvous Planning Committee are pleased to announce that next year's Rendezvous will be held in Pasadena, CA, from July ...

Time's Running Out: Share Your Ideas for the 2023 Rendezvous Program
Planning for the 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous is well underway! The Rendezvous Planning Committee is working to develop a robust, balanced, and diverse program for next year's event. The deadline for ...

Rendezvous registration is now open!
× We're excited to announce that registration and abstract submissions are now open for the ninth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous, taking place in the Pasadena, California, from July 10-14, ...

Upcoming deadlines for abstracts and working groups - Wednesday, March 1!
× Contributed Program The Contributed Program submission deadline for the 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous is fast approaching! The Contributed Program, comprised of oral presentations, posters, ...

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