Theme: Attracting and Supporting Students

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Attracting and Supporting Students.

Preparing Students for Careers, Licensure, Industry WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Tate 401-20

Matthew Pendleton, University of Waterloo Canada
Craig Nichol, University of British Columbia Okanagan
James Kubicki, University of Texas at El Paso
Rachel Phillips, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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The goal of this workshop is to help initiate programmatic and departmental change to better prepare students for careers in geoscience, or careers reached via a geoscience degree. The workshop will expand upon the ...
Accessible and Equitable: Using Universal Design for Learning in Earth Science Learning Spaces WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Tate 201-20

Jennifer Lewis, University of Calgary
Wendi J. W. Williams, South Texas College
Laura Rowan Hollister, Pitman High School
Heather Houlton, Colorado School of Mines

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Goals of this workshop are to explore the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), discuss how UDL applies to different learning spaces (formal K-12, undergraduate, graduate, field experiences, informal ...
2YC Whole Student Mentoring: Recruiting and Guiding Students into Geosciences WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Tate B85

Patrick Shabram, Front Range Community College
Donna Charlevoix, EarthScope Consortium
Kelsey Russo-Nixon, EarthScope

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This workshop will provide faculty and graduate students interested in teaching with information and resources to improve their mentoring interactions with students, with an emphasis on students attending two-year ...
A Coordinated Experiential Learning Program to Broaden Participation by Enhancing Self-Efficacy, geoSTEM Identity, and Career Awareness ORAL SESSION
Monday 2:00pm Tate 105

Meagen Pollock, College of Wooster
Greg Wiles, College of Wooster
Missy Schen, College of Wooster

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To broaden participation in the geosciences, we developed a coordinated program of summer internships and experiential learning courses that implement evidence-based strategies for increasing students' ...
IGUaNA: Introducing Geophysics for Urban and Near-surface Applications ORAL SESSION
Monday 3:00pm Tate 105

Carol Ormand Ph.D., Carleton College
Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
Andrew Parsekian, University of Wyoming
Lee Slater, Rutgers University-Newark
Danielle Sumy, EarthScope
John Taber, EarthScope Consortium
Tonian Robinson, University of South Florida
Christine Downs, Sandia National Labs

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Recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce begins with attracting a diverse student population into the geosciences. One key step in this process is transforming our curricula, looking beyond traditional topics ...
STEMSEAS: Case studies of Student Impact ORAL SESSION
Monday 3:15pm Tate 105

Sharon Cooper, Columbia University in the City of New York
Jon Lewis, Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus

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The Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Student Experiences Aboard Ships (STEMSEAS) Project leverages unused capacity during non-operational transits of ships in the U.S. academic fleet to provide ...
Monday Earth Education Forum: Mentoring for the Next Generation of Geoscientists
Caitlin Callahan, Grand Valley State University
Eva Kostyu, American Geophysical Union
Nicole LaDue, Northern Illinois University

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For many of us, the pandemic has laid bare challenges all across academia, not the least of which is how we mentor and support our students. In this forum, our goal is to have frank conversations to reflect on what ...
Open Historical Geology Lab Manual SHARE-A-THON
Amy Weislogel, West Virginia University

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I have generated the first draft of an open access lab manual for Historical Geology that includes 12 "investigations", which are a combination of skills training, guided inquiry and independent research. ...
Managing Grad School Stress ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION
Amy Weislogel, West Virginia University
Deon Knights, Vassar College

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Graduate school is often a stressful endeavor for most stud. For students, it can be a challenge to prioritize mental and physical health during the hard work that graduate school requires. For mentors, it can be ...
Where in the World is Mineral Sandiego TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Tuesday 3:10pm-3:30pm Bruininks 131A

Angela Daneshmand, Santiago Canyon College

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Where in the World is Mineral Sandiego is an educational game that allows students to practice identifying locations using coordinates while indirectly teaching about mineral occurrences around the globe. In this ...
Field Trip Accessibility AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Wednesday 1:30pm-4:00pm Tate 110

Anita Marshall, University of Florida

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This workshop will explore how field education can be more accessible and inclusive for students with disabilities or other students who may have difficulty participating in field activities. Participants will ...
Teaching Geoscience in a Changing Climate: it's hard to teach students who aren't in your class POSTER SESSION
Sharon Browning, Baylor University
Joe Yelderman Jr., Baylor University
Stacy Atchley, Baylor University
Wayne Hamilton, Baylor University

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Societal views impact curriculum changes at all levels, and changes in K-12 curriculum can affect career choices. World events such as a pandemic, the price of petroleum products, and climate change also affect ...
Using co-operative gameplay in outreach to change students' perceptions of geoscience POSTER SESSION
Annaka Clement, North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Jessie Rock, North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Lydia Tackett, North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Stephanie Day, North Dakota State University-Main Campus

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Recent studies have found that for students entering college, altruism is a desired aspect of a future career. Problematically, few students perceived geoscience careers as altruistic or even expressed an ...
Broadening Participation through Disruption and Technology POSTER SESSION
Lisa Doner, Plymouth State University
Mary Earick, New Mexico Highlands University
Amy Villamagna, Plymouth State University
Eric Kelsey, Plymouth State University
Rachelle Lyons, Plymouth State University
Sarah Turtle, Plymouth State University
Tracey Lesser, New Hampshire Technical Institute
Ye Tao, Harvard University

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From 2018-2022, Plymouth State University, a predominantly undergraduate institution with no geology program but strong B.S. and M.S. programs in meteorology and environmental science ran a GeoPaths EXTRA project ...
The Influence of Geoscientist Spotlights on the Perceived Identities of Scientists POSTER SESSION
Peyton Smalls, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Sarah Todd, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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Majors frequently "discover" the geosciences through introductory courses, yet the scientists featured there often reflects historical stereotypes of scientists (e.g. white, straight, cisgender male). ...
Field notes from the geoscience classroom by the January 2022 NAGT Outstanding Teaching Assistants POSTER SESSION

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Teaching assistants (TAs) provide an important source of connection for undergraduate students, helping them master content, become more confident as scientists, and develop a wide array of skills. NAGT annually ...
Program updates and successes from the AGU Bridge Program POSTER SESSION
Eva Kostyu, American Geophysical Union
Waverly Lau, American Geophysical Union
Pranoti Asher, American Geophysical Union

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The AGU Bridge Program, now in its fourth year, continues to promote equity in geoscience graduate education by partnering with select academic departments and supporting graduate students from historically ...
Who's going outside? A survey on field trip practices in Introductory Courses POSTER SESSION
Avery Shinneman, University of Washington-Bothell Campus

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Relatively good data exist on the frequency of field-based coursework offered to upper division students in earth and environmental sciences nationally as well as the skills they aim to develop and foster in ...
Demystifying Graduate School: Tapping the Alumni Resource POSTER SESSION
Katie O'Sullivan, California State University-Bakersfield

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This project conducted a series of alumni panel discussion videos on various topics with the goal of demystifying graduate school to undergraduates. The inspiration for this project came from undergraduate student ...
Creating a Graduate Program that Fosters the Success of All Students WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8:30am-11:30am Tate 201-20

Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University

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Are you a faculty member or administrator wanting to incorporate inclusive and equitable practices in admissions and programming to support your graduate students? Please join us for a two-day workshop to learn ...
Learning and Identity Work in a Field-based Introductory Geology Course ORAL SESSION
Thursday 2:15pm Tate B20

Christopher J. Bell, The University of Texas at Austin
Adam Papendieck, The University of Texas at Austin
Fernando Rey, The University of Texas at Austin
Mary Poteet, The University of Texas at Austin
David Mohrig, The University of Texas at Austin

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Place- and field-based learning experiences have been shown to contribute to students' understandings of the earth as a complex system and strengthen their scientific identities. At the same time, ...
Integrating peer review and portfolio into a hybrid GIS course POSTER SESSION
Yongli Gao, The University of Texas at San Antonio

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The "Introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS)" course was offered as a traditional in-person course at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). The course is an introduction to the ...