Theme: Developing Geocompetencies

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Developing Geocompetencies.

Vision and Change in the Geosciences: Preparing for the Future of Geoscience Education WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Sharon Mosher, The University of Texas at Austin
Jeffrey Ryan, University of South Florida
Christopher Keane, American Geosciences Institute

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The goal of the workshop is to help foster change in undergraduate and graduate geoscience programs to better prepare geoscience students for the future. This workshop will focus on the recently published Vision ...
Virtual Petrography - Expanding the Microscope Laboratory with a New Interactive Online Tool SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Heidi Daxberger, University of Toronto
Kirsten Kennedy, University of Toronto
Shane Sookhan, Univerity of Toronto-Scarborough
Rebecca Moumblow, McMaster University

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To overcome major challenges of teaching mineralogy and petrology classes that are based on hands-on instruction with a polarizing microscope, a collaborative effort resulted in a web-based resource of digitized ...
Learning from Legends: Indigenous Oral Traditions and Tsunami Safety SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Sarah Glancy, University of Hawaii-West Oahu

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In this jigsaw activity, students are placed in groups. Each group reads a different written record of an oral history about tsunamis. These indigenous stories are from around the world. To guide their ...
Ohio's Glaciated Paleoclimate SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Lenore Teevan, School of Innovation/Springfield City School District

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I teach high school science at the School of Innovation, part of Springfield City School District. We are a Project-Based Learning (PBL) school. For our climate unit, students first learned about climate and ...
Tackling Word Problems Like an Engineer SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Tanya Blacic, Montgomery College

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Goal: To teach students a way to approach word problems and reduce the panic that sometimes ensues.Plan: Introduce the problem solving approach, model it in one or two example problems, have them practice it in one ...
Video blogging for Geology 101 labs SHARE-A-THON
Monday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Amy Daniels, Greenville Technical College

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As a part of the Geology 101 online lab, I have students share a video blog of themselves describing what they did or what they learned by doing the labs. They choose the mode of presentation and submit a URL to ...
Making Science News Work for You: Incorporating Eos into Your Classroom AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Heather Goss, American Geophysical Union
Kyle Fredrick, Pennsylvania Western University - California
Eric Riggs, Humboldt State University

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In this workshop, educators will engage with an approach to science literacy and critical science news consumption that they can fully integrate into their teaching. Leveraging the time-tested activity development ...
How Can We Teach Atmospheric Dynamics Better? AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

John Knox, University of Georgia

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Atmospheric dynamics is/are arguably the hardest class(es) to teach in the undergraduate meteorology/atmospheric sciences curriculum. The subject is rooted in math and physics material that our students may have ...
Hands-on environmental science during a pandemic: activity design, results, and efficacy POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Rebekah Stein, University of California-Berkeley
Nathan Sheldon, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jenna munson, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

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Engagement with the natural world is imperative to student learning in the geo- and environmental sciences. Immersion in the environment is particularly useful for complicated subjects like nutrient cycling and ...
Discovering Opportunity During COVID: Geoscience Outreach in the Virtual World POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Michael Chiappone, The University of Texas at Austin
Patrick Martin, The University of Texas at Austin
Mary Poteet, The University of Texas at Austin
Alicia Rusthoven, The University of Texas at Austin
Anthony Edgington, The University of Texas at Austin
Carole Lakrout, The University of Texas at Austin
Mason Currin, The University of Texas at Austin
Matthew Riley, The University of Texas at Austin

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We have developed an outreach program for grades 5-12 designed to engage students in learning about the diversity and importance of the geosciences. Our outreach team features a panel of geoscience undergraduates ...
Using automated feedback in an undergraduate programming class on climate data analysis POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Karen Shell, Oregon State University

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In Climate Data Analysis (ATS 301) at Oregon State University, students develop basic Python programming skills for plotting and statistical analysis of climate data. With the transition to remote instruction in ...
Teaching Computation Online: Tips, Tools, and Resources from the 2020 MATLAB Workshop POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Monica Bruckner, Carleton College
Mitchell Bender-Awalt, Carleton College
Lisa Kempler, MathWorks

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Computation enables students and researchers to access data, visualize it, perform analyses, connect to instruments, and model systems to predict behavior and events. The need for a computationally savvy workforce ...
Incorporating Pair Programming in a Meteorological Computer Applications Course POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Casey Davenport, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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In addition to the extensive topical content requirements in a bachelor of science degree in atmospheric science, one of the key skills and competencies that the American Meteorological Society recommends for ...
Oral Session V: Improving Student Learning in the Geosciences ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Renee Clary, Mississippi State University

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Skip to Main ContentSkip to Navigation Login Earth Educators' RendezvousOnline, July 12-16, 2021 View the Program | Search the Program | #EarthER21 ...
Making Sense of Interest and Learning in Introductory Geology Courses: Teaching Assistant and Student Perspectives ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:05 PT / 1:05 MT / 2:05 CT / 3:05 ET Online

Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico
Kelsey Bitting, Elon University

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How undergraduate students experience our introductory geoscience labs can have a profound effect on how much they learn and retain about our discipline, and how interested they are in learning more about it in ...
Engaging Students with an OOI Ocean Data Lab Focused on Factors that Affect Primary Productivity TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 12:05 PT / 1:05 MT / 2:05 CT / 3:05 ET Online

Jean Anastasia, Suffolk County Community College

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OOI Ocean Data Labs feature web-based interactive "widgets" that allow students to interact with pre-selected data from the OOI (Ocean Observatory Initiative) and are freely available online at the OOI ...
Oceanography Data in the Classroom: Using an OOI Ocean Data Lab to Explore Chlorophyll-a Trends and Increase Data Literacy TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 12:20 PT / 1:20 MT / 2:20 CT / 3:20 ET Online

Sara Smith, Bellingham Technical College

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This activity will demonstrate a lesson created to increase student understanding of primary production trends and driving forces in coastal areas. This lesson was designed using the Ocean Observatory Initiative ...
Student Understanding of Food-Energy-Water Nexus Concepts in Introductory Interdisciplinary Environmental Programs ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:20 PT / 1:20 MT / 2:20 CT / 3:20 ET Online

Lydia Horne, Rowan University
Amanda Manzanares, University of Northern Colorado
Steven Anderson, University of Northern Colorado
Shirley Vincent, Vincent Evaluation Consulting
Chelsie Romulo, University of Northern Colorado

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To better inform teaching, curricular decision-making, and management of college-level environmental programs (EPs), we are investigating environmental students' foundational knowledge, alternative ...
Fostering Agents of Change: Can a local water crisis shift students' values, goals, and priorities? ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:35 PT / 1:35 MT / 2:35 CT / 3:35 ET Online

Jessica Merricks, Elon University
Kelsey Bitting, Elon University

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An overarching goal of the environmental science (ENS) curriculum is to foster a sense of agency and social responsibility. While many ENS students recognize the significance of global threats like climate change ...
Polar ENgagement through GUided INquiry (PENGUIN) ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:35 PT / 1:35 MT / 2:35 CT / 3:35 ET Online

Lea Fortmann, University of Puget Sound
Penny Rowe, NorthWest Research Associates
Steven Neshyba, University of Puget Sound
Rachel Wade, Edmonds Community College
Haiyan Cheng, Willamette University
Tim Guasco, Millikin University
Amanda Mifflin, University of Puget Sound
Isha Rajbhandari, University of Puget Sound
William Pfalzgraff, Chatham University
Kena Fox-Dobbs, University of Puget Sound
Grace Stokes, Santa Clara University

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Including climate-related topics in the classroom is crucial to the education of the next generation and has the potential to enhance student interest. The polar regions play an important role in climate change and ...
Deepening Elementary Teacher Knowledge in "Hard Science" to Enhance Science Teaching ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:35 PT / 1:35 MT / 2:35 CT / 3:35 ET Online

Lisa Mussi, Manitou Springs Elementary
Wendy Abshire, American Meteorological Society

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According to the National Academies Press, few elementary school teachers have their terminal degrees in science as compared to other disciplines and as such, can be intimidated by teaching science topics. Earth ...
Teaching Data Literacy using the OOI Ocean Data Exploration Activity "Dynamic Air-Sea Interactions" TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 12:35 PT / 1:35 MT / 2:35 CT / 3:35 ET Online

Melissa Hicks, Onondaga Community College

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Teaching with real data is fun and engages students more thoroughly as it really illustrates the true nature of scientific inquiry, that data is not always straight-forward, as it can be messy, but still useful. ...
CO2 and pH in a System with Seasonal Upwelling: Using Large Oceanographic Datasets to Build Data Literacy Skills TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 12:50 PT / 1:50 MT / 2:50 CT / 3:50 ET Online

Natasha Gownaris, Gettysburg College

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In this activity, students use online widgets to build connections across oceanographic disciplines – physics (upwelling, wind patterns), chemistry (dissolved gases, pH), and biology (photosynthesis, ...
Evaluating the impact of student storytelling in introductory-level geoscience courses ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:50 PT / 1:50 MT / 2:50 CT / 3:50 ET Online

Erin Kraal, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Laura Guertin, Penn State Brandywine

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Knowing the important role introductory-level geoscience courses serve in recruiting majors and improving the science literacy of non-STEM majors, we hypothesized that a Student-Produced Audio Narrative (SPAN) ...
Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies in an Experiential Learning Course to Enhance Self-Efficacy, geoSTEM Identity, and Career Awareness ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:05 PT / 2:05 MT / 3:05 CT / 4:05 ET Online

Meagen Pollock, College of Wooster
Greg Wiles, College of Wooster
Lisa Kastor, College of Wooster
Missy Schen, College of Wooster

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In Spring 2021, we offered a hybrid experiential learning course that implemented evidence-based strategies for increasing students' self-efficacy, geoSTEM identity, and awareness of geoscience careers. ...
Virtual Earth Science: Research-Based Best Practices and Pedagogical Successes in Online Geoscience Courses ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:05 PT / 2:05 MT / 3:05 CT / 4:05 ET Online

Renee Clary, Mississippi State University
Athena Owen Nagel, Mississippi State University
John Ezell, Mississippi State University

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More than a decade ago, research demonstrated that a SCALE approach to curricular development increased student satisfaction and learning gains in online science environments. Instructors optimize online courses ...
What drives the global climate? The relationship between Latitude, Insolation, and Temperature TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 1:05 PT / 2:05 MT / 3:05 CT / 4:05 ET Online

Chuck Buxbaum, Sandia Preparatory School

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1st we simulate the amount of solar energy striking the surface of the Earth (insolation) using artificial light source, light meter, and protractor. Light striking meter directly (perpendicularly)=equator, meter ...
Florida A&M Geo-Science Education: Improving Undergraduate Geo-Science Teacher Preparation using the Multiplication Factor of Micro Spiral Methodology Workshop ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:20 PT / 2:20 MT / 3:20 CT / 4:20 ET Online

Dr. Edith Davis, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University

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Abstract The COVID 19 Pandemic has adversely affected ever sector of our World. The battered sector of Education has once again taken a major hit in their plight to educate the World's citizens. The transfer ...
PlanetQuest: an RPG-based course on planetary exploration ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:20 PT / 2:20 MT / 3:20 CT / 4:20 ET Online

David Sparks, Texas A & M University

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PlanetQuest is an asynchronous online course that uses mathematical models to explore how planets are created, and what characteristics of planets makes them habitable. Students work through sequential modules in ...
Modeling and mapping lunar surface features TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 1:35 PT / 2:35 MT / 3:35 CT / 4:35 ET Online

Daniel Barth, University of Arkansas Main Campus

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The most fundamental problem in teaching observational astronomy is image saturation - a student looks into a telescope at the Moon and says "Yeah, the Moon - I've seen it." An image in the ...
Draw an Earth Scientist: Investigating the Evolution of Conceptions in Preservice Teachers ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:35 PT / 2:35 MT / 3:35 CT / 4:35 ET Online

Peggy McNeal, Towson University
Deepika Menon, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

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The purpose of this research was to identify preservice teachers' preconceptions about Earth scientists and investigate how these conceptions change after completion of an Earth science course and student ...
A Compilation of Atmospheric and Climate Science Misconceptions ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:50 PT / 2:50 MT / 3:50 CT / 4:50 ET Online

Dawn Kopacz, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Haeli Leighty, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

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Misconceptions, incorrect or partially correct ideas, can impede the learning process. Therefore, knowledge of existing misconceptions is a critical component of teaching and learning. Project 2061 documented more ...
Use of Independent Data Sets in Analyzing Tectonic Plate Boundaries TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 1:50 PT / 2:50 MT / 3:50 CT / 4:50 ET Online

Laurel Goodell, Princeton University

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Armed with previous knowledge about basic plate tectonic theory, students hypothesize about motions across specific plate boundaries. They then test their hypotheses by using a Google Earth platform to calculate ...
Expectancy and Value as Drivers for Participation and Persistence in an Open-access Online Scientific Computing Training in Seismology ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:50 PT / 2:50 MT / 3:50 CT / 4:50 ET Online

Michael Hubenthal, EarthScope
Mike Brudzinski, Miami University-Oxford

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During the summer of 2020, the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), in collaboration with Miami university, offered a free, 3-month, certificate-granting online workshop. This workshop sought ...
Virtual Reality Strike and Dip Tool TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 2:05 PT / 3:05 MT / 4:05 CT / 5:05 ET Online

Natalie Bursztyn, The University of Montana-Missoula

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The strike and dip tool is currently a web/desktop based virtual reality teaching instrument designed to practice taking strike and dip measurements and using those measurements to compile a geologic map. We have 5 ...
The effects of training spatial skills on student success, efficacy and value in introductory geology students ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 2:05 PT / 3:05 MT / 4:05 CT / 5:05 ET Online

Annie Klyce, Vanderbilt University
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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Spatial skills, which represent the ability to mentally manipulate objects, are critical to entrance, persistence and success in STEM fields and the geosciences in particular. While we have a sense of which ...
Engaging Your Students with Visual Representations: Why, What, and How WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Nicole LaDue, Northern Illinois University
Tim Shipley, Temple University

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Visual-spatial reasoning is important for understanding many of the structures and processes in the geosciences. To make learning more efficient, instructors must engage students using strategies that facilitate ...
Teaching and Learning About Feedback Loops WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Tim Shipley, Temple University
Alexandra Davatzes, Temple University
Kelcey Wallens-Logan, Barnard College

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Feedback loops (FLs) are a powerful concept for Earth educators in the 21st century. Reinforcing (aka "positive") feedback loops underlie many environmental problems, including climate change and ...
Geoscience Education Research: Statistics in Geosciences WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Doug Czajka, Utah Valley University
Josh Premo, Utah Valley University

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The goal of this workshop is to develop participants' conceptual understanding of basic quantitative theory/educational statistics and apply this understanding to the meaning and potential impact of ...
Thursday Plenary: Integrated STEM: Focusing on culturally-relevant Earth System Science PLENARY TALK
Thursday 12:00-1:00pm PT / 1:00-2:00pm MT / 2:00-3:00pm CT / 3:00-4:00pm ET Online

Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

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Central to integrated STEM is the use of real world problems as a context for learning to provide motivation and purpose for student learning. While research shows that engaging students in learning through ...
Using Geophysics to Address Societally-Relevant, Urban and Environmental Questions in Introductory-Level Geoscience Courses AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Carol Ormand Ph.D., Carleton College
Andrew Parsekian, University of Wyoming
Lee Slater, Rutgers University-Newark
Sarah Kruse, University of South Florida
John Taber, EarthScope Consortium

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The IGUaNA project, Introducing Geophysics for Urban and Near-surface Applications, has developed a set of curricular modules that feature the applications of shallow geophysical techniques to societally-relevant, ...
Facilitating Student Exploration of Local Environmental Challenges via Mathematics and Computational Thinking AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Susan Meabh Kelly, Connecticut State Department of Education

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Mathematics and computational thinking – skills that have been identified as critical to data literacy (Education Development Center, 2016) – are recognized as one of the eight NGSS practices, but are largely ...
Curiosity to Question: A New Model for Disciplinarily Diverse and Inclusive Course-Based Research Experiences AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:15-3:45pm PT / 2:15-4:45pm MT / 3:15-5:45pm CT / 4:15-6:45pm ET Online

Adam Papendieck, The University of Texas at Austin
Julia Clarke, The University of Texas at Austin
Kathy Ellins, The University of Texas at Austin

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Curiosity to Question (CtQ) is an emerging model for course-based research experiences that are diverse by design. By recruiting for diverse identities and disciplines, and by emphasizing open inquiry, peer ...
Poster Session I: Thinking about the Present and Future of Earth Education POSTER SESSION
Friday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Anne Egger, Central Washington University

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This poster session will be held from 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET on Friday. All Rendezvous participants are invited to attend. Sessions will include 4-6 posters on similar ...
Water in Society: A Five-Year Evaluation Study of an Interdisciplinary Course to Support Undergraduate Students' Water Literacy POSTER SESSION
Friday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Cory Forbes, The University of Texas at Arlington
Silvia Jessica Mostacedo Marasovic, The University of Texas at Arlington

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To prepare students to address water-related challenges, undergraduate courses must provide them with opportunities to learn and reason about water issues. Water in Society is an introductory-level, innovative, ...
GeoGateway for Learning about Crustal Deformation, Data Analysis and Applications POSTER SESSION
Friday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Lisa Grant Ludwig, University of California-Irvine
Megan Mirkhanian, University of California-Irvine
Andrea Donnellan, California Institute of Technology
Jay W. Parker, California Institute of Technology

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Science gateways allow users to access shared data, software and services. GeoGateway ( is a solid earth geoscience gateway that provides tools for scientific discovery, field use, and ...
Using Field and Laboratory Studies of Pyroclastic Deposits to Engage Students in the Scientific Process and Promote Development of Professional Skills POSTER SESSION
Friday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Jeffrey Templeton, Western Oregon University

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The dynamic volcanic landscape of the Pacific Northwest provides an ideal framework for teaching undergraduate students about fundamental volcanology concepts, as well as core geoscience and professional skills. ...
How to tell the Story of the Earth: Three lab exercises for Historical Geology POSTER SESSION
Friday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Virginia Sisson, University of Houston-University Park
Daniel Hauptvogel, University of Houston-University Park

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Student engagement is easy to encourage in introductory lab courses. We have developed an open access lab book for Historical Geology. Here we focus on three different lab exercises to show how we can use simple ...
Water – related standards for teaching and learning to support K-12 to lifelong water literacy POSTER SESSION
Friday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Silvia Jessica Mostacedo Marasovic, The University of Texas at Arlington

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Water is a critical component of Earth systems, including their human dimensions. Water literacy is a key outcome for learners, who should understand how water interacts with different human and non-human systems ...
Skills Geoscience Employers Look For in Bachelors-level Geoscientists POSTER SESSION
Friday 11:15-11:45am PT / 12:15-12:45pm MT / 1:15-1:45pm CT / 2:15-2:45pm ET Online

Gregory Shafer, Boise State University
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Anne Egger, Central Washington University

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Preparing graduates to enter the workforce is a common goal of undergraduate geoscience degree programs. Determining what skills are necessary for new graduates to succeed in the workforce requires knowledge of ...