Geodetic Learning Resources for Your (Virtual) Classroom

In this Share-a-thon, we will provide a suite of resources that EER participants can take for their teaching environments: an overview of the GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI) teaching modules; the UNAVCO Tectonic Motions posters and infographic posters (What GPS Can Tell Us About Earth, What is Geodesy?, and Measuring the Changing Shape of Our Earth); and demonstrating: Measure a Changing Volcano and Measure Ground Motion with GPS: How GPS Works.
Learning modules and supplemental materials focused on geodesy and geodetic applications are freely available to educators through UNAVCO Education and Community Engagement. In this Share-a-thon, we will share a suite of resources for your courses (higher education and secondary level) from UNAVCO efforts and the GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI) project. Resources include geodetic-focused modules, posters, hands-on demonstrations, animations and videos. GETSI teaching materials feature geodetic data and quantitative skills applied to societally important issues (climate change, natural hazards, water resources, environmental management).
The UNAVCO posters and infographics - available as PDF - can be used as teaching tools, displayed in labs, and shared as online learning supplements. Hands-On demonstrations provide novice learners experience with observing and measuring many physical properties and changes at the Earth's surface using geodetic techniques. YouTube videos and animations promote Earth science learning, share UNAVCO services, and inspire the next generation of our workforce.
UNAVCO Education:
UNAVCO YouTube channel:
College and secondary-level educators use these resources in geoscience and hazards courses. The resources have been used in single-period explorations and as multi-week modules.
Why It Works
Few geodetic examples exist in mainstream textbooks and lab manuals for introductory and majors-level undergraduate courses. The science of geodesy has produced discoveries of major societal impact related to climate change, water resource management, and mitigation of natural hazards. The resources provided in this share-a-thon represent a cross-section of geodetic methods to address critical topics, many of which have undergone rigorous review and classroom testing using a modified InTeGrate assessment model.