Developing and Implementing Program Assessment

It can be said that if one does not like assessment and evaluation, then education is a poor choice of career. "Assessment" and "evaluation" tend to be used interchangeably, but they have very specific uses when they are applied to programs of study. In this mini-workshop, we will disassemble common geoscience learning tasks to determine student mastery relative to established objectives (the extent to which students are learning), and then subsequently synthesize tasks that can be used to assess student progress relative to program goals (are we doing what we say we are doing). The workshop will conclude with the use of the data generated through assessment in the attachment of value to programs, or evaluation. Participants should bring with them a description of a learning task and a set of program goals.
Some specific themes we will examine include:
- Defining the program evaluation
- Planning for Assessment & Evaluation
- Assessment of Goals and Objectives
- Analyzing data collected
- Reporting the results to assign value
Presentation Media
Presentation in Powerpoint Program Eval (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.7MB Jul18 18)Presentation in Keynote Program Eval ( 6.4MB Jul18 18)
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Articulate the reasons why one should engage in systematic program evaluation
- Design program goals and specific measurable objectives
- Select and use resources for program assessment and evaluation
- Ensure that assessments provide meaningful information for program evaluation
- Examine the means through which the results of assessment and evaluation can be reported
Workshop slides [file ]
1:30 – 1:40 Introductions and reasons for participating
1:40 – 2:00 Defining the program evaluation - Goals, Objectives, and Logic Models
2:00 – 2:30 Planning for assessment and evaluation - Curriculum Mapping, KSDs, and Learning Progressions
2:30 – 3:00 Assessment of goals and objectives - Tasks, Rubrics, Surveys
3:00 – 3:30 Analyzing data collected - Validity, Reliability, and Scoring
3:30 – 4:00 Reporting the results to assign value - Results reporting, Use of Data, Problems & Constraints
Materials used in workshop:- Card Exchange for Objective Development Objective Development Card Exchanfge (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 13kB Jul17 18)
- Template for Curriculum Mapping Curriculum Map Grid (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 12kB Jul17 18)
- Template for Rubric Development Rubric development template (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 13kB Jul17 18)
Example Files:
- Curriculum Map JMU BS Curriculum map (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 209kB Jul17 18)
- Rubric for Senior Research Projects Senior Research Grading Rubric (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 15kB Jul17 18)
- Example Rubrics for field products Field Camp Sample Rubrics (Acrobat (PDF) 198kB Jul17 18)
- Feedback reports from JMU Center for Assessment & Research Studies Feedback reports (Acrobat (PDF) 421kB Jul17 18)
Sample Assessment Tasks/Score sheets:
Ask Eric Pyle @ for password
- JMU Department Assessment
- Alumni Survey
- Senior Research Presentation scoring
Other Useful Links:
- Program Evaluation Chapter from NRC's Preparing the Next Generation of Earth Scientists: An Examination of Federal Education and Training Programs NRC Chap 4 (Acrobat (PDF) 248kB Jul17 18)
- Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation definitions
- Federal Evaluation tools
- Logic Models
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Logic Models
- Dave Mogk's Earth & Mind blog on curriculum design, Part 1
- Dave Mogk's Earth & Mind blog on curriculum design, Part 2
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Assessment Plans
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Assessment Metrics
- Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research, Working Group 1 Grand Challenge 2: Undergraduate Learning Progressions in Geopscience and Cross-Challenge Recommendations