Initial Publication Date: July 9, 2018
From Challenges to Principles for Supporting Transitions
Think: Imagine a very successful transition. What are the things that made it work well? What prevented from going awry?
Share: We will share our ideas for what supports a successful transition. Members of the group will be encouraged to link ideas to the research base.
Synthesize: Based on collective knowledge we will create a list of principles for supporting transitions.
- experience that allows time to reflect and prepare (for both the student and for the receiving cohort/program)
- understanding what is happening in transition
- comfort asking questions
- knowing what to expect (bringing onto campus, into research group, internship, REU,
- advance visit (informational interviews, campus visit, accepted students visit, selection interview)
- space
- people
- norms
- expectations
- roles responsibilities
- experience at the next level (internship, REU, bridge program, summer research project)
- preparation at the current level (experiences in classes that prepares them)
- near-peer mentor
- mentor who is mindful and aware and can guide while not knowing to expect
- mentor who helps me understand what I bring to the situation
- given responsibility that gave successful experience in new situtation
- treated as if belonged (given responsibility,)
- quick transition to feeling that contributing
- understanding expectations for academics and for behavior (show up on time, keep notebook, use title) -- norming experience
- know people
- know where to find resources (campus tutoring)
- personal support on both sides of transition (personal capital)
- preparation before you move to the next level
- problem solving experience
- needed knowledge and skills
- quantitative reasoning
- project experience
- independent - learning and in life
- confidence seeking help and knowing when to get help
- social capital - receiving end is expecting good performance
- stability in other parts of your life - or support for all the different things that are changing
- organization culture of receiving institution that is welcoming, values studens as they are, aware of the full nature of the transtion and prepared to support its challenges
- organization is invested in making the transistion successful
- acknowledging that their is discomfort and trying to support through this discomfort
- Provide information and experiences to know what to expect
- make sure that this information is getting to full spectrum of students
- Making resources clear and accessible
- build strong connections to supporting offices
- resources that are specific to where they want to go, and accurate
- Developing a supporting culture that is reaching out to help
- Prepare your students for their next transition
- experiences
- skills
- enriching personal networks so don't arrive alone (near peer strategies, alumni networks, cohorts)
- norms
- Provide robust (well trained, well designed) mentoring
- faculty and peer
- Build robust connections between institutions when possible
- Research and understand the roadblocks and address them (e.g. timing, financial resources, accessibility)
- Evaluate your transition programs to understand successes
- Provide opportunities for and recognize early success and capitalize on these to build confidence
- Structure the development of a sense of belonging and cultural capital