Thursday Schedule At-A-Glance
GER Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative
Julie Sexton, University of Colorado at Boulder
This session is for those who want to increase their ability to conduct education research. Participants will have a chance to learn about principles of research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, and ...
Flipping your Classroom
Jennifer Roberts, University of Kansas Main Campus
Gregory Baker, Colorado Mesa University
Many well-respected groups and associated faculty have tackled the issues of Earth science classroom transformation through decades of research and application. Today, many significant pedagogical advances to the ...
Building Pathways for Success: Supporting Student Transfer from Two-Year Colleges to Four-Year Colleges and Universities
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Jan Hodder, University of Oregon
Nearly half of all undergraduates in the US begin their college educations at two-year colleges. Given the importance of community colleges in the academic pathways of so many undergraduate students, what can we do ...
Neutralizing the Politicization of Climate Science and Energy Policy
Callan Bentley, Piedmont Virginia Community College
Participants in this session will work together to improve their teaching of climate science in a world of unprecedented politicization of that topic. Themes to be emphasized include rhetoric (the recognition and ...
Designing your Course to Maximize Student Learning
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
The workshop is for anyone who wants to incorporate what we know from the research on learning into their teaching. Participants will both learn about and be engaged in best practices as they design (or redesign) ...
Place, Cultural Context, and Geoscience Teaching
Steven Semken, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Roberto Ibarra, University of New Mexico-Main Campus
We teach about the Earth in and by means of places, which are localities given meaning by human experience, and thus are cultural features embedded in the physical landscape. On the first day, participants in this ...
Thursday A: Recruiting, Retaining and Graduating our Students & Broadening Participation: Focusing on Student Development
Julia Nord, George Mason University
Jason Jones, North Carolina State University
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Earth Educators' RendezvousAlbuquerque, NM July 17-21, 2017
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Geology Transfer Scholars: A GEOPATHS Program Supporting Incoming Transfer Students Through an August Field Course
Kim Hannula, Fort Lewis College
Although many of the Fort Lewis College (FLC) geology graduates (38%) originated as transfer students, they have historically taken an extended time to graduate (on average, 3.7 years at FLC after transferring). ...
Maximizing Learning within Active Learning Studio Classrooms
Aurora Pun, University of New Mexico-Main Campus
Gary Smith, University of New Mexico-Main Campus
Specially designed active-learning classrooms (aka, SCALE-UP, TILE, TEAL, Learning Studios) are increasingly popular on US campuses, especially for STEM instruction. The workshop integrates the leaders' ...
What is Implicit Bias and How to Counteract It
Catherine Riihimaki, 2NDNATURE Software
Implicit bias describes when we have attitudes towards people or associate stereotypes with them without our conscious knowledge. Cognitive science research shows that everyone has implicit biases, sometimes in ...
Developing Students' Computational Skills
Frederik J Simons, Princeton University
In this mini-workshop we will explore how to bring scientific computing into the undergraduate Geosciences curriculum: as part of a course, as a stand-alone course, and across the four-year curriculum. We explore ...
Teaching about Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities
John Warford, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
The movement towards sustainable communities has brought into focus the centrality of food in our everyday lives and its myriad social, economic and environmental connections. 'Food as the Foundation for ...
Teaching Online
Cory Pettijohn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stephen Marshak, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Summary Please join us for this afternoon mini-workshop as we collaborate in a discussion of educational technology resources and practices that help to engage both blended and fully online classroom learners in ...
Thursday B: Program and Faculty Development
Tara Holmberg, Northwestern Connecticut Community College
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Earth Educators' RendezvousAlbuquerque, NM July 17-21, 2017
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Creating Inclusive and Engaging Science Classrooms: Faculty Development is Key
Shane Spivey, Red Rocks Community College
Barbra Sobhani, University of Colorado at Boulder
Community college science departments have a unique opportunity to approach faculty development in an interdisciplinary manner. A challenge to moving the department forward as whole is the number of foundational ...
Factors that Influence Two-Year College Student Transfer Intent and Geoscience Degree Aspirations
Ben Wolfe, Kansas State University
Colleges and universities are facing greater accountability to identify and implement practices that increase the number of two-year college (2YC) students who transfer to four-year institutions (4YC) and complete ...
Expanding the perspective and offerings of the Traveling Workshop Program
Rory McFadden, Carleton College
Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
The Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) has been strengthening departments and courses by offering workshop opportunities for departments and groups to examine such topics as program design, curriculum mapping, ...
Building Pathways to STEM Careers in Geoscience and Environmental Science through the Colorado Community Colleges
Patrick Shabram, Front Range Community College
lesley smith, The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Anne Gold, University of Colorado at Boulder
Donna Charlevoix, EarthScope Consortium
Aisha Morris, National Science Foundation
Kelsey Russo-Nixon, EarthScope
Max Miller, Front Range Community College
Colorado's adult population ranks second in the nation for college degrees and ninth for income levels, yet Colorado's educational achievement gap for low-income, first generation, and minority students ...
Service Learning in Field Mapping Techniques
Julia Nord, George Mason University
Lori Mandable, George Mason University
Thomas Wood, George Mason University
Undergraduate research experiences have been linked to recruiting and retaining students in STEM fields. A base-level understanding of research and inquiry processes are needed for students to succeed in these ...
A Joint 2YC-4YC Research Methods Course to Increase Transfers and Improve Success
Karen Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island
Dawn Cardace, University of Rhode Island
Jennifer Davis, Bryant University
Duayne Rieger, Community College of Rhode Island
Brian Savage, University of Rhode Island
Faculty at the Community College of Rhode Island and the University of Rhode Island developed a geoscience research methods course targeted at students who have completed one introductory geology course. This ...
Story telling as a tool for long-term learning of geologic terms
Laura Rosales Lagarde, Nevada State University
Paige Hall, Nevada State College at Henderson
Kathryn Tucker, Nevada State College at Henderson
Roberta Miranda, Nevada State College at Henderson
Laura Decker, Nevada State College at Henderson
Learning geology has been compared to learning a new language due to the abundance of discipline-specific terms unfamiliar to students. This task can be daunting, especially for freshman students. The story telling ...
Science Expo: Encouraging student research and experiential learning across the science department
Tracy Gray, Red Rocks Community College
Barbra Sobhani, University of Colorado at Boulder
Undergraduate research is an excellent way to engage STEM students and increase retention. With a wide range of student diversity, community colleges are an important part of the STEM pipeline. Historically, it ...
Assessing Impact of InTeGrate Materials in an Introductory Environmental Science Course
Tara Holmberg, Northwestern Connecticut Community College
Using InTeGrate modules in an Introduction to Environmental Science course since the spring of 2016, gains in student achievement in objectives related to soils, agriculture, mining, climate change, among others ...
Geosciences Assignments in Writing Across the Curriculum
Elizabeth Laliberte, University of Rhode Island
Writing and critical thinking are essential for student success in college and beyond. "Writing Across the Curriculum" assumes that writing should be an integral part of the learning experience ...
Are we testing what we think is important? An historical, exploratory analysis of the New York Regents Exam in Earth science
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Michael Alvernaz, Central Washington University
Ryan Carrington, Central Washington University
Anthony Perez, Central Washington University
Over the last decade, communities of scientists came together to develop the literacy documents in climate, oceans, atmospheric science, and Earth science. These documents outline what every citizen should know to ...
Modeling Collaborative Team Building to Address Wicked Problems: Navigating and Negotiating Dispositional Distance
Dave Gosselin, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Ron Bonnstetter, TTI Success Insights
Schylir Rowen, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
A big challenge for education is to prepare students to effectively collaborate to address the many "wicked problems" and "grand challenges" facing society. Collaboration is a critical ...
Earthquake Education Workshops In N.C.: A Teacher-Led Model For Science Education Workshops
Randy Bechtel, NC Geological Survey
Dr. Kenneth B. Taylor, North Carolina Geological Survey
In September 2014, the North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS) conducted a series of three one-day earthquake education workshops in the western part of the state. These workshops were funded by a grant from the ...
Leveraging the relationship between student confidence and performance to promote achievement in introductory geoscience courses
Jason Jones, North Carolina State University
David McConnell, North Carolina State University
Many students don't know how learning happens, nor what they have to do to make it happen. This awareness of how to learn falls under the purview of metacognition and in a process called self-regulation. ...
A Pueblo Indian Sense of Place
Speaker Greg Cajete, University of New Mexico An exploration of a Pueblo Indian sense of place as represented through images, metaphors and activities in the landscape of New Mexico. The focus will be on Pueblo ...