Teaching about Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities
The movement towards sustainable communities has brought into focus the centrality of food in our everyday lives and its myriad social, economic and environmental connections. 'Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities' helps students to have engaging conversations about food, food producers, health outcomes and food-energy-water connections in the context of community empowerment and environmental justice. The use of primary and secondary data sources and videos to strengthen student's ability to interpret data and synthesize information will be explored. The grand challenge is for human beings to return to a way of living that acknowledges that we will always be dependent on the natural environment and its offerings. Ongoing themes explored in the Florida A&M University biennial EnegyFoodWater Nexus International Summit will be previewed. The nexus approach is based on the premise that an action in one sector impacts the other. Therefore, the search for solutions must simultaneously investigate all three elements in a new science enterprise. Teaching Food As the Foundation for Healthy Communities
Teaching Food As the Foundation for Healthy Communities (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 82kB Jul26 17)
Friendly Reminder: Please bring your laptop or tablet to the workshop.
#1) Identify and discuss programs, people, forums, and networks that see healthy food availability and affordability as central to community enhancement.
#2) Identify and discuss issues related to both teaching and learning involved in educating and supporting food system stakeholders.
Help workshop participants develop and /or expand their role(s) in their local food system, using the InTegrate module, Food AsThe Foundation for Health Communities,and other identified sources.
1:30 Welcome / Opening Remarks
1:35 Introductions of Workshop Participants
1:50 Brief Presentation - Foundational Role of Food and Learning Platforms & Places.
2:05 Formation of Breakout Groups and Activity #1
2:45 Rejoin and Present Findings / Discussion. Preview the InTegrate module.
3:05 Formation of Breakout Groups or Whole Group and Activity #2
3:40 Group Final thoughts & Wrap Up
3:55 End of Workshop Evaluation
4:00 Adjourn
This session is sponsored by the HBCU working group.
Resources shared by participants
Farmacy Garden: https://blogs.lt.vt.edu/afpblog/2014/05/07/farmacy-garden-project-in-montgomery-co-virginia/
VT Civic Agriculture and Food Systems Minor: https://www.pathways.prov.vt.edu/minors/cafs.html
Aquaponics programs at Pasadena: Faculty resource intensive program, ownership transferred to high school and some students have continued the work
Green Bronx Machine: https://greenbronxmachine.org/
Truly Living Well in Atlanta – teaches people how to garden
Kennedy, Scott Hamilton, dir. The Garden. Documentary Film. 2008.
'http://www.thegardenmovie.com/' about-the-film
Food Miles Calculator Website http://www.foodmiles.com/
La Mujer Obrera- see info about their farmer's market, Community Farm, and Cafe Mayapan: http://www.mujerobrera.org/#home-section
USDA Food Security Questions (Microsoft Word 66kB Jul20 17)
David Padgett - Food Desert Interview
David Padgett - Food Deserts Presentation
David Padgett - Food Deserts
Baltimore Food Deserts
Baltimore Food Environment Map
Dr. Paul Robinson - Food Deserts
Use health department inspections posting for to find all of the food places +households without cars
Food trucks that sell locally fresh fruits and veggies
Community gardens, including raised beds in the case of poor soils-Partnering with garden clubs
Foodmiles calculator: http://www.foodmiles.com/
Arc GIS online: https://www.arcgis.com/home/index.html
Course materials...video (the garden: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1252486/)
Survey developed by John W. to test visitors to the Harambe festival
Pay parking infractions once per year with canned goods. Supports the campus food pantry (CU Boulder)
Food Source Map for Mr. Bethune's Economics Class - Pearl-Cohn High School - Nashville, TN
Students collected food products that they or their parents purchased while grocery shopping. The source locations for the foods were mapped, and the distance the food was transported was estimated.
Pearl Cohn High School Student Food Environment Map with Supermarket Access Map
Supermarkets are one way people have access to healthy food. This map shows where the supermarkets are. Areas that are within a 10 minute drive are depicted, as are areas within a 1 mile walk. At certain scales, populations living in poverty are represented.
Pearl-Cohn High School Students' Urban Food Environment with USA Food Expenditures at Home vs. Away from Home
Basemap -- Depicts the ratio of dollars spent on food at home versus away from home in the USA. Think "groceries" versus "restaurants". Red area households spend noticeably more at home, blue area households spend noticeably more away from home.
Dr Dorceta Taylor - University of Michigan Food Systems Project
Notes from Activity 2
Activity 2:
There's little or not coordination at the base level and thus mis- or no-information at that level and thus no continued presence to educate/coordinate.
Advertising tied to money and no-one makes money off of a community garden, or minimally so
Teaching garden
Needs to be designed to have on-going maintenance plan for sustainability.
Consider using convertible spaces: deserted fields, rooftops, etc.