A Collaborative Model for Aligning Teacher Preparation Programs with the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards

Wednesday 2:15pm REC Center Medium Ice Overlook Room


Ed Geary, Western Washington University
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Stamatis Vokos, Seattle Pacific University
Ellen Ebert, OSPI
Roxane Ronca, Western Washington University
Sara Julin, Whatcom Community College
A consortium of 2- and 4-year Washington State Colleges and Universities in partnership with Washington's Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Teachers of Teachers of Science, and Teachers of Teachers of Mathematics, and other key stakeholders, is currently working to improve science learning for all Washington State students by creating a new vision for STEM teacher preparation in Washington State aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Mathematics and Language Arts. Specific objectives include: (1) strengthening elementary and secondary STEM Teacher Preparation courses and curricula, (2) alignment of STEM teacher preparation programs across Washington State with the NGSS and CCSS, (3) development of action plans to support implementation of STEM Teacher Preparation program improvement at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the state, (4) stronger collaborations between HEIs, government agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, and STEM businesses, involved in the preparation of preservice STEM teachers, (5) new teacher endorsements in Computer Science and Engineering, and (6) development of a proto-type model for rapid, adaptable, and continuous improvement of STEM teacher preparation programs. Currently, Washington's HEIs are conducting an NGSS gap analysis of their current teacher preparation program courses and curricula, paying particular attention to climate science and human sustainability disciplinary core ideas, engineering practices, computer science, and other NGSS items that are not well-represented in current K-12 standards or curricula. During the coming year teams of STEM faculty, education faculty and administrators will work to develop unique action plans for aligning and improving STEM teacher preparation courses and curricula at their institutions.

Presentation Media

Aligning Teacher Preparation Programs with the NGSS and CCSS (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 10.7MB Jul15 15)