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An Overview of the Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution of Mid-Coastal Maine
Dave West, Middlebury College

Abstract Themes: Advances in structural geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and tectonics

Stress thresholds and strain localization in the viscous regime
Christopher Gerbi, University of Maine

Abstract Themes: Rheology of the Lithosphere

Ductile and Brittle Fault Rocks in the Upper and Lower Crust, Respectively.
Robert Wintsch, Indiana University-Bloomington

Abstract Themes: Fault Zones from Top to Bottom

Acadian-age Inverted Metamorphism Below the Embreeville Thrust in the Central Appalachian Piedmont of Pennsylvania
Howell Bosbyshell, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Abstract Themes: Fault Zones from Top to Bottom

The Structural Geology Query Toolkit: Build your own virtual field experience for inclusive teaching and scientific collaboration
Juliet Crider, Western Washington University

Abstract Themes: Innovations in Inclusive Teaching Practices

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