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Strain Localization Mechanisms and Damage Zone Microstructures Across the Brittle-Ductile Transition: A Case Study of the Kellyland Fault Zone
Walter Sullivan, Colby College
The Conundrum of Using Kink Bands and Asymmetric Crenulation Cleavage to Interpret Shear Sense in Tectonic Analyses: A Case Study from the Baraboo Syncline (Wisconsin)
Stephen Marshak, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
An Overview of the Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution of Mid-Coastal Maine
Dave West, Middlebury College
Stress thresholds and strain localization in the viscous regime
Christopher Gerbi, University of Maine
Ductile and Brittle Fault Rocks in the Upper and Lower Crust, Respectively.
Robert Wintsch, Indiana University-Bloomington
Bringing Faults to the Lab: 3D Printing Natural Faults for Rock Friction Experiments
How have Terrane Accretion, Rifting, and Recent Mantle Dynamics Shaped the Lithosphere beneath the New England Appalachians?
Paul Karabinos, Williams College
Acadian-age Inverted Metamorphism Below the Embreeville Thrust in the Central Appalachian Piedmont of Pennsylvania
Howell Bosbyshell, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
The Structural Geology Query Toolkit: Build your own virtual field experience for inclusive teaching and scientific collaboration
Juliet Crider, Western Washington University