Petrology Courses
Subject: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Results 1 - 13 of 13 matches
Petrology and Plate Tectonics part of Course Design:Goals Database
Allen Glazner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This course is organized around the igneous and metamorphic processes that govern the rock cycle, all within the context of plate tectonics. Rather than addressing igneous and metamorphic rocks and processes as ...
Integrating Scientific Discovery in a Field-based Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology Course part of Undergraduate Research:Case Studies
David Gonzales, Fort Lewis College
Show caption HideShip Rock at Sunset. Research-intensive courses in the field put students in settings where they can experience the geology, environment, and culture. DetailsDavid Gonzales, Fort Lewis College ...
Introduction to Volcanology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Erouscilla Joseph, University of the West Indies
The course will introduce students to Plate tectonics and volcanoes; including the processes that takes place at active volcanoes (eruptive mechanisms, effusive and explosive volcanism); methods and instrumentation ...
Petrotectonics part of Course Design:Goals Database
Rachel Beane, Bowdoin College
Exploration of the processes by which igneous rocks solidify from magma (e.g., volcanoes), and metamorphic rocks form in response to pressure, temperature, and chemical changes (e.g., mountain building). ...
Metamorphic Petrology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
Metamorphic petrology covers the chemical and physical work done in natural systems in response to changing physical conditions. Petrogenetic processes such as recrystallization, continuous and discontinuous ...
Melding Research on the Navajo Volcanic Field into Undergraduate Curriculum to Promote Scientific Literacy part of Undergraduate Research:Case Studies
David Gonzales, Fort Lewis College
David Gonzales, Fort Lewis College Summary Mafic dike in the Navajo volcanic field exposed near Newcomb, New Mexico. Details This module highlights the curricular design and outcomes of undergraduate research in ...
Introduction to Petrology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Elizabeth Johnson, James Madison University
Igneous and metamorphic processes explained using crystallization theory, phase diagrams, thermodynamics and geochemistry; laboratory study of rocks, their chemical and mineralogical signatures, and their geologic ...
Earth Materials part of Course Design:Goals Database
Dawn Cardace, University of Rhode Island
Earth Materials is here designed under a core-to-crust concept umbrella covering content spanning mineralogy/petrology/Earth processes, embracing active learning, collaborative learning, process of ...
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Darrell Henry, Louisiana State University
This is a junior-level igneous and metamorphic petrology course that is meant to give students practical and theoretical backgrounds for identifying, classifying and interpreting igneous and metamorphic rocks, ...
Plate Tectonics and Tectonic Hazards part of Course Design:Goals Database
John Creasy, Bates College
This is a topical course covering plate tectonics and associated hazards such as eartquakes, volcanic activity, and secondary hazards such as tsunami, landslides, etc. A companion topical course covers surficial ...
Petrology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Kirsten Nicolaysen, Whitman College
Course focuses primarily on igneous petrology with limited metamorphic petrology content. Course is typically taken by junior or senior students.
GEOL 286-288: Geology Seminar in New Zealand part of Workshops:Class Assignments
In this course, we will study the tectonic evolution of the South Island. Participants will work in small teams to hone their field observation skills, make structural measurements, and develop their mapping skills in several field sites across the South Island. Visits to additional field sites such as glaciers, fjords, slivers of the mantle, and the Alpine fault are possible.
Natural Hazards and Catastrophes part of Quantitative Skills:Courses
Alan Whittington, The University of Texas at San Antonio
1 credit hour course for non-scientists, with no pre-requisites. Aims to improve quantitative and scientific literacy through applying simple skills to topics including global climate change, earthquakes, volcanoes ...