Registry of Analytical Geochemical Equipment

Initial Publication Date: June 10, 2005

This service is provided to help:
  • lab managers build their user base
  • researchers, instructors and students to gain access to analytical equipment to support scholarly work
  • build capacity by optimizing the use of existing analytical equipment to support excellence in science and the training of geoscientists.

Find an instrument in the registry.

Instructors, students, and researchers in search of an instrument can browse the list of entries to find specific instrumentation at a variety of facilities. Click on each record to see a complete description of the registered instruments and facilities.

Add your instrument to the database using our instrument registry tool.

Lab managers, please use this online form to provide contact information, description of your instrument(s), types of analyses, conditions of use, educational use of your facility, and other related information.
Please complete a separate form for each instrument. This way each instrument will show up in the search function.

To modify or update an existing record in the instrument registry, please send the corrected information to Thank you!

In addition to the registry we developed, if you need access to an electron microprobe, you may want to check this Compilation of Microprobe Labs in the US and Canada by Stephen Kuehn, Concord University, W VA.