Selected References on Teaching Petrology
Initial Publication Date: June 26, 2012
The vast majority of articles on teaching petrology are published in the Journal of Geoscience Education or the Journal of Chemical Education. To find recent articles of interest from these journals:
- Use the JGE website to look for articles hot-off-the-electronic-presses
- Look through the 1999-2010 JGE index of Petrology-related articles
- Search the Journal of Chemical Education website
The April 2007 special volume of Elements Magazine is a collection of articles about teaching mineraology, petrology and geochemistry. To complement this volume, we have developed the Elements Bibliography that includes an extensive collection of articles, teaching activities, on-line resources, and related information on the scholarship of teaching.
Selected Journal of Geoscience Education articles from 2006 and earlier
- Amenta, R.V., Holyoke, C.W., Krohn, T.G.M., Bonder, M.J., and Leopold, M.C. (1997) Undergraduate research in petrology approached through computer modeling of fabric evolution in igneous rocks: Journal of Geoscience Education, 45, 206.
- Ariskin, A.A., and Nielsen, R.L. (1993) Application of computer simulation of magmatic processes to the teaching of petrology: Journal of Geoscience Education, 41, 438-441.
- Baker, D.R., Dalpe, C., and Poirier, G. (2004) The viscosities of foods as analogs for silicate melts: Journal of Geoscience Education, 52, 363-367.
- Boundy, T.M. and Condit, C. (2004) Bringing the field into the classroom by using dynamic digital maps to engage undergraduate students in petrology research: Journal of Geoscience Education, 52, 313-319.
- Cawthorn, R.G. (1991) Simulation of layered magma chambers: Journal of Geoscience Education, 39, 44-47.
- Darling, R.S. (2000) Modeling magmatic phase equilibria with synthetic H2O - KCl fluid inclusions: Journal of Geoscience Education, 48, 198-202.
- Dilek, Y., Thomas, R.C., and Whitney, D.L. (1994) Team-teaching petrology in a tectonic context: Journal of Geoscience Education, 42, 25-31.
- Edwards, B., Teasdale, R., and Myers, J.D. (2006) Active learning strategies for constructing knowledge of viscosity controls on lava-flow emplacement, textures and volcanic hazards: Journal of Geoscience Education, 54, 603-609.
- Farver, J.R. and Brabander, D.J. (2001) Magma ascent rates from mineral reaction rims and extension to teaching about volcanic hazards: Journal of Geoscience Education, 49, 140-145.
- Geist, D.J. (1992) Computer-aided instruction for the interpretation of phase diagrams for magma: Journal of Geoscience Education, 40, 125-129.
- Gonzales, D., and Semken, S. (2006) Integrating undergraduate education and scientific discovery through field research in igneous petrology: Journal of Geoscience Education, 54, 133-142.
- Goodell, P.C. (2001) Learning activities for an undergraduate mineralogy/petrology course - I am/we are: Journal of Geoscience Education, 49, 370-377.
- Harpp, K.S., Koleszar, A.M., and Geist, D.J. (2005) Volcanoes in the classroom: A simulation of an eruption: Journal of Geoscience Education, 53, 173-175.
- Hodder, A.P.W. (1983) A titration technique for demonstrating a magma replenishment model: Journal of Geoscience Education, 31, 193-197.
- Jacobson, G.L. (1989) A stand-up and sit-down approach to teaching Bowen's reaction series: Journal of Geoscience Education, 37, 341-342.
- Malisetty, M.R., and Rao, R.J. (1992) Use of a spreadsheet in teaching the CIPW norm: Journal of Geoscience Education, 40, 237-240.
- Martin, B.S. (1993) Interactive modeling of open magma systems with spreadsheets: Journal of Geoscience Education, 41, 164-169.
- Mattox, S.R., and Babb, J.L. (2004) A field-oriented volcanology course to improve Earth-science teaching: Journal of Geoscience Education, 52, 122-127.
- Milliken, K.L., Barufaldi, J.P., McBride, E.F., and Choh, S. (2003) Design and assessment of an interactive digital tutorial for undergraduate-level sandstone petrology: Journal of Geoscience Education, 51, 381-386.
- Munn, B.J., Tracy, R.J., and Jenks, P.J. (1995) A collaborative approach to petrology field trips: Journal of Geoscience Education, 43, 381-384.
- Peck, W.H. (2004) Teaching metastability in petrology using a guided reading from the primary literature: Journal of Geoscience Education, 52, 284-288.
- Perkins, D. (2005) The case for a cooperative studio classroom: Teaching petrology in a different way: Journal of Geoscience Education, 53, 101-109.
- Philip, G.M., and Watson, D.F. (1989) Some geometric aspects of the ternary diagram: Journal of Geoscience Education, 37, 27-29.
- Vacher, H.L. (2005) Computational geology 29: Quantitative literacy: Spreadsheets, range charts and triangular plots: Journal of Geoscience Education, 53, 219-228.
- Vacher, H.L. (2003) Computational geology 24: Patterns, dimensions and viscosity: Journal of Geoscience Education, 51, 262-267.
- Wampler, J.M., and Wallace, P. (1998) Misconceptions of crystal growth and cooling rates in the formation of igneous rocks: The case of pegmatites and aplites: Journal of Geoscience Education, 46, 497-499.
- Warren, H.N., and Girty, G.H. (1999) A MATLAB 5 program for calculating the statistics of mass change: Journal of Geoscience Education, 47, 313-320.
- Wetzel, L.R. (2002) Building stones as resources for student research: Journal of Geoscience Education, 50, 404-409.
- Woronow, A. (1994) Enigmas and solutions in the analyses of compositional data: Journal of Geoscience Education, 42, 299-302.
- Yoder, H.S.Jr. (1993) Timetable of petrology: Journal of Geoscience Education, 41, 447-489.
Websites with additional resources
- (link broken) - This site at the University of Wurzburg provides subcategorized, annotated lists of web sites, especially for mineralogists, petrologists, crystallographers, geologists.
- Mineralogy - This site by Dave Waters at Oxford provides resources for general Earth science, mineralogy, petrology and teaching.