Early Career Geoscience Faculty Virtual Visit to the National Science Foundation
Event Schedule
(all times Central Time Zone)
Prior to June 28, it is highly recommended that you watch this Navigating NSF and GEO Video (21 minutes) by Dr. Jennifer Wade, Program Director, Division of Earth Sciences.
Friday, June 28
8:00-8:45 am - Introduction and Welcoming Remarks, Tim Patten, Deputy Assistant Director, Geosciences Directorate
9:00-9:45 am - Concurrent Sessions 1 (participants attend one)
- Hydrological Sciences, Program Officer Laura Lautz
- Petrology, Geochemistry, and Tectonics, Program Officers Jennifer Wade and Rachel Teasdale
- Geobiology & Low Temperature Geochemistry and Sedimentary Geology & Paleobiology, Program Officers Alberto Perez-Huerta, Jonathan Wynn, and Margaret Fraiser
- Geophysics, Program Officer Wendy Panero
- Programs in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS), Program Officers Eric DeWeaver and Sylvia Edgerton
- Programs in the Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE), Program Officers Scott White, Gail Christeson, and Alan Wanamaker
10:00-10:45 am - Concurrent Sessions 2 (participants attend one)
- Instrumentation and Facilities in Earth Sciences (EAR/IF), Program Officer Luciana Astiz
- Frontier Research in Earth Sciences (FRES), Program Officer Richard Yuretich
- Paleo Perspectives on Present and Projected Climate (P4CLIMATE), Program Officer Jonathan Wynn
- Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE), Program Officer Ellen Carpenter
11:00-11:45 am - Concurrent Sessions 3 (participants attend one)
- Ocean Sciences Logistics/Ship Time, Alice Doyle, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNOLS
- Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure for NSF supported projects, Program Officer Raleigh Martin
- Solid Earth Geohazards, Program Officer Luciana Astiz
12:00-1:00 pm - Break
1:00-1:45 pm - Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER), Program Officers Lisa Rom, Elizabeth Canuel, and Alberto Perez-Huerta
2:00-2:45 pm - Research, Innovation, Synergies, and Education in Geosciences (RISE), Division Director Wendy Graham, Program Officers Lina Patino, Raleigh Martin, and Manda Adams, and AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellows Rebecca Barnes and Carlos Martinez
After the workshop/virtual visit - Individual meetings with program officers (participants should email Program Officers to schedule meeting time)
Check in with Gretchen Miller after the virtual NSF virtual visit so we know how it went!