Initial Publication Date: May 8, 2015

Early Career Geoscience Faculty Visit to the National Science Foundation

Friday, July 31, 2015


6:00 am Bus Departs William & Mary for Arlington, VA (arrive at bus by 5:45am)

9:00-9:30 Arrival Arlington, VA (National Science Foundation)

10:00 Check in at security desk. You must have a government-issued photo identification (e.g., driver's license).

10:15 Welcome to NSF (Room 110)

10:45-11:45 Small group meetings with core programs in Earth Sciences and selected other divisions (choose 1 to attend)

  • Programs in the Division of Earth Sciences:
    • Geobiology & Low-Temperature Geochemistry (Room 365: Enriqueta Barrrera, Program Director)
    • Geomorphology and Land-Use Dynamics (Room II-575: Paul Cutler, Program Director)
    • Hydrologic Sciences (Room 770: Tom Torgersen, Program Director)
    • Petrology and Geochemistry (Room 220: Jennifer Wade, Program Director)
    • Sedimentary Geology & Paleobiology (Room II-585: Rich Lane, Program Director)
    • Tectonics (Room 310: David Fountain, Steve Harlan, Program Directors)
    • Geophysics (Room II-565: Luciana Astiz, Program Director)
  • Other relevant programs:
    • Programs in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (Room 791; Patrick Harr, Section Head)
    • Programs in the Division of Ocean Sciences (Room 730, from 11:00-11:30 only, Rick Murray, Division Director)

**note: individual appointments occur between 11:30am-4pm. Please check appointment schedule, and feel free to exit/enter ongoing sessions so that you can attend individual appointments**

11:45-1:00 Lunch on your own or with small groups

1:00-1:40 Integrating Research and Education: NSF CAREER Program -- Sonia Esperanca, Program Director EAR (Room 110)

The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research.

1:45-2:25 Concurrent sessions (choose 1 to attend)

  • Earthscope, SAGE and GAGE -- Maggie Benoit, Greg Anderson, Program Directors EAR (Room 770)
  • The EarthScope program provides a framework for broad, integrated studies across the Earth Sciences including earthquake processes, magmatic and hydrous fluids in the crust and mantle, plate boundary processes, large-scale continental deformation, and composition and structure of the Earth. The Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) currently supports two large multi-user facilities -- the Geodesy Advancing Geosciences and EarthScope (GAGE) Facility and the Seismological Facilities for the Advancement of Geosciences and EarthScope (SAGE) -- that provide geodetic, seismic, and related geophysical instrumentation, data, and educational capabilities to a wide range of EAR-supported communities.

  • EarthCube -- Eva Zanzerkia, Program Director EAR (Room 110)
  • EarthCube supports activities that develop cyberinfrastructure and protocols to facilitate access to data from research in Geosciences. This has become increasingly important as research projects grow larger and more complex.

2:30-3:10 Concurrent sessions(choose 1 to attend)

  • Opportunities for supporting undergraduate education in the Geosciences -- Keith Sverdrup, Program Director DUE (Room 110)
  • Programs for undergraduate education have changed significantly in recent years. This session will give an overview of the efforts within the Geosciences Directorate (GEO) and in the Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE).

  • Earth Sciences (EAR) Instrumentation and Facilities -- Russell Kelz, Program Director EAR (Room 770)
  • The Instrumentation and Facilities Program has several components for obtaining equipment to be used for research supported by the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR).

3:15-3:55 Concurrent sessions (choose 1 to attend)

  • Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change -- Candace Major, Program Director OCE (Room 310)
  • The P2C2 solicitation is an interdisciplinary effort to examine records of climate variability that will provide input into the mechanisms and rates of past climate change.

  • Broader Impacts and Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences -- Jill Karsten, Program Director GEO; Justin Lawrence, Program Director EAR (Room 770)
  • This session discusses effective strategies for meeting NSF goals for widening the application of supported research and including underrepresented groups in the pursuit of science

  • Crosscutting and interdisciplinary opportunities such as: Integrated Earth Systems (IES), Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.9MB Aug12 15) -- Tom Torgersen, Richard Yuretich, Program Directors EAR (Room 730)

4:00 Debriefing session (Room 110) (Individual appointments with Program Officers will continue based upon need and availability).

5:30pm Bus Departs for Williamsburg, VA (bus riders should go get dinner to go prior to boarding)