Initial Publication Date: June 18, 2009

Workshop Synthesis

This page is an attempt to synthesize key take-away messages from the 2009 workshop for Early Career Faculty in the Geosciences.

What We've Learned at this Workshop

  • Always wait 24 hours before committing to something
  • If you can't get tenure with a lifestyle you're happy with, it's not worth it
  • Plan ahead
  • It's going to take twice as long
  • Learn how to say "no" politely
  • You're not alone
  • We were at a Chinese buffet for lunch... "Tell me, I will forget; involve me, I understand."
  • There's great value in starting small
  • Teach in a style that's consistent with who you are
  • There are many young, happy faculty with families, many including children
  • Make time for your priorities
  • I'm not the only one who's freaking out a lot of the time
  • If you don't get tenure, your life is not over
  • Your emotional and mental health should be your first priority
  • Classes can be a vehicle to advance your research
  • Write regularly; try a notebook or voice recorder
  • If I take charge, making tenure will be easier
  • Getting feedback can be very helpful
  • Writing regularly, even every day, is possible
  • Set clear boundaries for your students (graduate and undergraduate)
  • Be mindful of what you're doing and of your time
  • My ideas are good; maybe somebody will give me money for them
  • Teaching IS important
  • Tell other new faculty to come to this workshop

How We Can Support Each Other Going Forward

  • Discussion board for us and for alums of this workshop
  • Stay in touch with each other; use the network we've built here
  • Put into action what you've learned this week
  • Share the results of long-term evaluation with participants
  • Regional support systems - get together, stay in touch electronically
  • Gatherings at national professional society meetings
  • Share your teaching activities and syllabi via the SERC website
  • Invite each other to give talks
  • Electronic roundtables - share proposal summaries before grant deadlines
  • Alumni directory (anyone who's attended this workshop)
  • Sharing/swapping students
  • Be accountable to each other (follow up email to the list next June? maybe some smaller groups check in with each other?)
  • Continue to share unselfishly (and promote this among our peers)
  • Use the facebook group for this group... (you can set up multiple accounts, to keep yourself less public)