Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop Program

Note: the 2004 workshop is over. Find out more about the "Early Career Geoscience Faculty" workshops (including a link to next year's), or read on for more information about the 2004 workshop.

Saturday, June 12

6:00 Registration and Dinner, University Center, Chesapeake B

7:30 Welcome and Introductions, Workshop Goals, Discussion, Logistics

Sunday, June 13, UC, Chesapeake A

8:15-9:40 Active Engagement and Specific Teaching Strategies

  • Interactive Lectures

9:40-10:00 Break

10:00-11:45 Teaching Strategies continued

  • Successful Discussions
  • Collaborative Learning and the Jigsaw Technique

11:45-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:40 Research/Scholarly Activity in Your Current Setting: Issues

1:45-3:15 Research/Scholarly Activity in Your Current Setting: Breakout Groups

3:15-3:35 Break

3:35-5:00 Working Effectively with Research Students

5:30-6:30 Dinner

7:00-9:00 Informal sessions - Sharing Ideas about Courses

Monday, June 14, McGlothlin-Street Hall Room 20

8:15-9:40 Developing a Strategic Plan for Research/Scholarly Activity

9:40-10:00 Break

10:00-11:50 Education and Research - Concurrent Sessions (repeated)

  • Problem-Based Approach to Introductory Labs
  • Creating Small-scale Original Research Projects in Upper-Level Courses
  • Teaching with Geoscience Data: A Framework, Examples, and Resources
  • Getting the Most Out of Research Seminars

12:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:30 An Example: Active Engagement in a Large Class

2:30-4:00 Teaching Issues and Strategies - Concurrent Sessions (repeated, with break between sessions)

  • Concept Maps
  • Engaging Students: What Works in Classes Large and Small
  • Quantitative Skills
  • Responding Effectively to Student Writing

4:00-5:00 Tenure: Issues, Questions, Answers

5:30-6:30 Canoe Lake Matoaka, walk through the College Woods, tour the Keck Environmental Lab

6:30 Picnic Dinner at the Keck Lab

Tuesday, June 15, McGlothlin-Street Hall Room 20

8:15-10:00 Course Design and Assessment of Student Learning

10:00-10:20 Break

10:20-11:00 Classroom Management

11:00-12:00 Concurrent Sessions

  • Discussion with Carl Friedrichs (School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, a NSF-OCE CAREER Awardee and CAREER Panelist
  • Persistent Student Misconceptions and Implications for Teaching

12:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:00 Moving Your Research/Scholarly Activity Forward: Funding and Other Issues (concurrent sessions)

  • Improving Your Research Proposals
  • Getting Your Research Funded
  • Enhancing Your Intellectual Vitality

3:00-3:30 Poster Instructions, Preparing for the NSF Visit

3:30 Break

3:30-5:00 Work on Poster, Individual Consultations

5:30-6:30 Dinner

7:00-9:00 Work on Poster, Individual Consultations

Wednesday, June 16 McGlothlin-Street Hall Room 20

8:15-11:00Poster Session

11:00-12:00 Goal Setting

12:00-1:30 Lunch in town

1:30-2:15 Being Strategic: Moving Beyond Not Having Enough Time

2:15-3:45 Strategic Action Planning (teaching, research/scholarly activity, service; balance of professional and personal life)

3:45-4:15 Concluding Remarks and Workshop Evaluation

7:00 Dinner at A. Carrolls

Thursday, June 17 Optional Visit to the National Science Foundation

6:45 am Depart for NSF

10:15-10:55 Welcome, Introductions, Overview

11:00-12:00 Small Group Meetings with Program Directors

12:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-4:30 Individual Meetings with Program Directors and Concurrent Small Group Sessions

4:30-5:00 Debriefing Session

5:15-6:45 Dinner at Tara Thai

6:45 Bus departs for Williamsburg