Initial Publication Date: October 24, 2006
Workshop Program
The 2006 workshop is over. Find out more about the "Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences" workshops (including a link to next year's), or scroll down to find links to many of the 2006 workshop presentations and related resources.Thursday, July 27, 2006
1:00-5:30 Registration and arrival
- Participants should check in at Escondido Village, at the Conference Service Center located in Building 123, Blackwelder Ct. See travel and logistics page for further information.
Optional Pre-Workshop Events on Thursday Afternoon
2:30-3:30- Education and Outreach Opportunities: Partnering with K-12
Jenny Saltzman, Stanford University- Come learn about how to get involved in K-12 education and how such programs fit into the "Broader Impacts" expectations of major granting agencies. From supporting ongoing programs to starting your own program, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities. Examples will include a field trip for first graders, high school internships, teacher professional development, and curriculum support. Find out about some of the benefits of being involved with K-12 education.
- The Stanford Environmental Molecular Science Institute: Chemical and Microbiological Interactions at Solid-Aqueous Solution Interfaces in Earth's Near-Surface Environment
Gordon Brown, Stanford University- Our unique, interdisciplinary approach takes advantage of recent advances in diverse molecular-level methods to address the complex interactions of aqueous inorganic species and microbial organisms with solid surfaces at a fundamental level unachievable a few years ago. The EMSI team of researchers brings relevant expertise in aqueous and surface geochemistry, biomineralization, computational chemistry, molecular microbiology, physical chemistry, soil chemistry, and surface chemistry and physics. EMSI also has a major educational outreach component that includes summer journalist and science teacher training workshops, summer undergraduate research opportunities, and a summer school on applications of synchrotron radiation.
- Teaching Science through Service
Kelly Beck, Assistant Director of Service Learning / Science Outreach Coordinator, Haas Center for Public Service, Stanford University- This session will present an overview of service-learning, the pedagogical practice of integrating a service project into a course through which students learn the course material. Many people believe that the integration of service-learning into science instruction is particularly challenging. We'll examine the challenges and consider the benefits. Specific, real examples will be provided.
- The Global Climate and Energy Project: Fundamental Research Directed Towards Energy Systems With Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Richard Sassoon- The Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) develops and manages a diverse portfolio of innovative energy research programs at Stanford University and leading institutions around the world. These efforts explore a range of technologies across a spectrum of energy resources and uses. The overall objective of the Project is to conduct the fundamental research needed to generate technical options that may permit the development of global energy systems with significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. This talk will describe the Project, its research strategy, accomplishments, and anticipated impact. It will also provide an overview of the many research activities underway at GCEP.
Workshop Begins
5:30-6:30 Dinner at Branner Dining Hall
7:30-9:00 Opening Session
- Welcome, Introductions, Workshop Goals and Overview
Robyn Wright Dunbar
Where do you want to go? - A spectrum of academic careers: Panel and Discussion
Lawford Anderson, University of Southern California; Ann Bykerk-Kauffman, California State University, Chico; Katryn Wiese, City College of San Francisco; Kurt Friehauf, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania- Each panelist will give a 5 minute overview of his or her current job. Following the presentations, all of the workshop leaders will field questions. The goal is for participants to understand the diversity of job opportunities available in academia
Friday, July 28, 2006
7:15-8:15 Breakfast
- Preparing Now For Your Future Academic Career in the Geosciences
Rick Reis, Stanford University- Rick Reis is the author of Tomorrow's Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science and Engineering ( This site may be offline. ) and the creator and manager of the Tomorrow's Professor Mailing List.
Theme for the day: Who are you as a teacher?
9:30-10:30 Research on Learning
Participants: Please complete the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire and record your results prior to the workshop. Robyn will use your (collective) data in her presentation.
- Teaching Science: What research tells us about science and learning
Robyn Wright Dunbar- This session is designed for those who are not yet familiar with the application of research on learning to teaching.
- Moving forward your own scholarship of teaching and learning
Cathy Manduca- This session is designed for those who have a working familiarity with the application of research on learning to teaching. Please contact Cathy if you would like to attend this session.
10:45-12:00 Breakout Sessions
- Creating and Using Guided Discovery Problems
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman- Guided-discovery problems are a powerful fun way for students to develop deep understanding of complex concepts. This session will explore examples of successful guided-discovery problems, provide guidelines for designing activities and writing questions that steer students toward the discovery of concepts, discuss the role of student misconceptions in the discovery process, and present tips for preparing students to do guided discovery problems.
- Developing Interactive Lectures
Kathy Surpless- Lecturing is one of the most efficient ways for professors to deliver content to students, but even with the best lecturers, students sitting passively in a class may receive very little of the content delivered. We'll discuss numerous ways to make lectures an active experience for students, whether for a class of 20 or 200. Specific examples will include ideas for small group work, muddiest point exercises, think-pair-share activities, group data collection, and using personal response systems (clickers) effectively.
- Teaching Geoscience with Data, Models, and Visualizations
Cathy Manduca- This session will explore the challenges that face teachers in using data and visualizations with students. Participants will explore what their students see in visualizations, how they approach data sets, and how to scaffold teaching materials and learning experiences with these ideas in mind.
- Designing Effective Science Courses
Robyn Wright Dunbar- Apply what we know about science learning to design effective courses. This session hits the highlights of constructing a syllabus, setting instructional objectives, determining course format, and assessment.
12:45-1:15 Birds of a Feather Discussions: Dual careers, families, balance,and more
- Designing Effective Classroom/Laboratory Activities
Robyn Wright Dunbar- For this activity, you will work in small groups to develop or refine a classroom or lab activity that addresses a key concept or skill in your discipline. This session will be an opportunity to share ideas with other participants as you consider different ways to teach that concept or skill.
3:00-4:45 Teaching Statements breakout sessions: Articulating Your Teaching Goals and Highlighting Your Accomplishments
- Introduction to Teaching Statements
Robyn Wright Dunbar- This session is designed to "jump start" the writing process for those who have yet to draft a teaching statement. Participants will articulate their teaching goals and accomplishments, and begin the process of folding these into a concise teaching statement.
- Review of Teaching Statements
Cathy Manduca and all other leaders- Participants who submitted teaching statements in advance will work in small groups, each with a workshop leader, reviewing each other's statements and offering feedback. Leaders will also offer their comments.
4:45-5:00 Daily "road check" feedback for the leadership team.
5:30-6:30 Dinner
Saturday, July 29, 2006
7:15-8:15 Breakfast
Theme for the morning: Who are you as a researcher?
- Presenting Yourself to Others
Carolyn Gale, I-RITE Program, Visiting Scholar, Center for Teaching and Learning (Stanford University)- In the job search process you will have very brief, yet critical, opportunities to convey your work to others. Participants in this session will refine a personal "Elevator Talk," a paragraph that describes the nature and significance of your research, and which is geared to a more general audience. You will then practice giving this talk to others.
- The role of research in a faculty career
Tim Bralower- This session will help you focus a vision statement for your research and start you thinking about how your research will integrate it with your teaching, where it might lead in the future, and how it might differ depending upon the institution type.
10:15-11:15 Moving Your Research Forward to New Settings: Breakout Sessions
- Two-year colleges
Katryn Wiese- Discussion of various options for scholarship and research in geology and the field of teaching: joint projects with 4-year colleges, local High Schools, and Government Agencies, like the USGS; conferences (and the challenges of attending them); summer projects; etc.
- Primarily undergraduate institutions (PUI)
Kathy Surpless, Kurt Friehauf, Ann Bykerk-Kauffman- We will explore ways of integrating professional research with undergraduate learning during this session. Research involving undergraduate students requires a large investment of time teaching underlying principles to students who have little fundamental geology experience and mentoring students through their first extended research experience. In addition, analytical instrumentation is not always immediately available and teaching loads at PUI's are moderate to high. We will discuss how to surmount these obstacles to make significant progress in research and publication, including the option of publishing on the scholarship of teaching.
- Graduate institutions
Lawford Anderson, Tim Bralower, Ashanti Pyrtle- This session focuses on sharpening your research vision and using it to market your budding program through successful grantsmanship. We will provide advice on proposal writing skills, words of wisdom on different agencies and awards, and help you develop a roadmap for the first few years of your academic career.
- Outline research statements
Lawford Anderson- Use the remaining time before lunch to work on your research vision and outline a new research statement (or modify an existing one).
Theme for the afternoon: Choosing Where You Want to Go and Getting There
- Mapping Your Career: Choices, Balance, and Action Planning
Robyn Wright Dunbar- Given where you are in your career and what you have learned at this workshop, reflect on your long term goals or "dream job." What are your next steps? What advice would help you most at this point?
- The Academic Job Search: Applications, Interviews, and Job Talks
Lawford Anderson, Kathy Surpless, Ann Bykerk-Kaufmann- How to tailor your application for each advertised position, what to expect during your interview, and how to prepare an effective "job talk" (research presentation or teaching demonstration). Brief presentations will leave time for a question and answer period.
- Negotiating
Tim Bralower- What to expect in the negotiation process, what is negotiable, and the importance of negotiating for what you need (and making sure you get it in writing).
5:30-6:30 Dinner
Sunday, July 30, 2006
7:15-8:15 Breakfast
Optional Workshop Sessions
8:30-9:30 Concurrent Workshops: Session 1- Collaborative Learning in your Classroom
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman- At its best, collaborative learning can bring new life and deep learning into a classroom. At its worst, collaborative learning can waste class time as students get off-task and become disruptive. This session will present ways to design successful collaborative activities by choosing engaging topics, carefully structuring the activities, writing well-worded task descriptions, and using technology such as WebCT and personal response systems.
- Mentoring and Tutoring
Katryn Wiese- Designing, funding, and implementing a program for students (majors) to help out in lectures and labs -- as mentors, tutors, and teaching assistants. Review of the benefits to the students (mentor and mentee alike), the department, and the faculty.
- Families, Dual-Career Couples, and Careers
Ashanti Pyrtle, Ben Surpless, Robyn Wright Dunbar- During this session the workshop leaders will share insights gained, "lessons learned" and recommended strategies for successfully managing dual graduate and postgraduate careers. Topics covered will include successfully managing individual and joint activities including: internship opportunities, organizational leadership experiences, entrepreneurial endeavors, financial planning, parenting and various other activities. Additionally the workshop leaders will also share insights gained and "how to" tips regarding obtaining tenure-track and other types of academic positions at the same university.
- Working with Undergraduate Research Students
Cathy Manduca, Kathy Surpless, Kurt Friehauf- This session will focus on successful strategies for working with undergraduate researchers -- how to make the experience beneficial for both students and faculty members.
9:30-9:45 Break
9:45-10:45 Concurrent Workshops: Session 2
- Tenure Considerations and Early Career Faculty Issues at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions and at Research Universities
Tim Bralower and Kurt Friehauf- This presentation will give an overview of the tenure process including the rationale, the review process and the elements of the tenure file. We will attempt to dispel some of the myths surrounding tenure by presenting the common threads of the tenure process at different universities and colleges using specific examples from our home institutions. We will provide tips and advise for new faculty as well as pointers for you to clarify during the negotiation process.
- Balancing your Life
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman and Katryn Wiese- As compared to other professions, the academic profession makes it both easier and harder to balance one's life. The flexible workday schedule, the months of unscheduled time (popularly misconstrued as "summers off"), and those wonderful sabbaticals can help one find balance. But the stress of too much to do in too little time; the need to continually update, enhance and improve courses; the never-ending requests to join this committee or that; and the pressure to "publish or perish" can make balance very difficult to find. In this session, we will explore strategies for balancing an academic profession with family, community, exercise, a social and spiritual life, and simple relaxation.
- Who are your students?-Lessons from High School teaching
Ben Surpless- With a better understanding of students' pre-college educational backgrounds, a college professor is better able to tailor everything from course design to class discussions, in-class activities, and laboratory experimentation. We'll discuss the impact that diverse high-school curricula have on the range of your students' learning styles, work ethics, science and math backgrounds, and pre-existing attitudes about and knowledge of the geosciences.
- The Teaching Portfolio: Who Wants to See It and What Goes In It?
Robyn Wright Dunbar- The teaching portfolio. What is it? What goes in it? Who wants to see it? And when?
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Concurrent Workshops Session 3
- Tenure Considerations and Early Career Faculty Issues at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions and at Research Universities
Tim Bralower and Kurt Friehauf- This presentation will give an overview of the tenure process including the rationale, the review process and the elements of the tenure file. We will attempt to dispel some of the myths surrounding tenure by presenting the common threads of the tenure process at different universities and colleges using specific examples from our home institutions. We will provide tips and advise for new faculty as well as pointers for you to clarify during the negotiation process.
- Career Options in Geoscience Education (outreach programs, museums, other options)
Cathy Manduca- Participants in this informal session will discuss the range of career options in geoscience education and strategies for preparing for and finding these opportunities.
- Engaging Science Students in a Learner-Centered Classroom
Lawford Anderson- A learner-centered environment grows out of curricular decisions and in-class strategies, which encourage students' interaction with the content, with one another and the teacher, and with the learning process. This session is intended to provide an introduction to learner-centered teaching in science classes and aid future faculty in setting goals toward meeting new challenges that places learning outcome as a high priority.
- The Community College Application Process
Katryn Wiese- Discussion of the written application, teaching demonstration, and interview; the competition; the best way to get your foot in the door; what things are looked for in an applicant; where to look for job openings; and, a bit on salary expectations and benefits.