Initial Publication Date: April 28, 2022

Workshop Overview

Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB

A virtual workshop for educators in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geoscience, Mathematics, Physics, and allied fields

At this 3-day educator-led workshop, held virtually, participants will develop curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses in in-person and online settings. Participants will work alongside peers and MATLAB experts to develop and upgrade teaching content and course materials that incorporate MATLAB for computation.

Workshop discussions will include strategies, tools, and best practices for building computational thinking skills in live classroom and virtual settings.

Dates: October 16-18, 2022

Note: this workshop has already taken place. Workshop presentations and summaries of discussions are available on the program page; participants' essays, teaching activities, and courses are available via the participants page.

The workshop program will run from Sunday, October 16 to Tuesday, October 18.
Workshop sessions are scheduled for 10am-3pm Eastern Time each day.

Workshop Goals

As part of the workshop, you will

  • Develop Curriculum:Upgrade your curriculum with a focus on online learning and tools
  • Work with Mentors: Participate in coaching sessions with educator peers and MATLAB experts
  • Publish: Develop a teaching activity, which is peer reviewed, then posted for sharing and citing
  • Build Community: Collaborate with educators teaching computation and discipline-related skills
  • Learn MATLAB teaching tools: Learn how to embed MATLAB tools – such as MATLAB Live Scripts, MATLAB Online, MATLAB Grader and MATLAB Onramp– in courses to improve student learning.

These sessions will draw upon the resources developed in past workshops, including successful teaching activities and best practices for student group work. The workshop will employ multiple formats, from brief presentations of lessons learned teaching, to individual work time, to working groups organized by affinity groups, such as discipline and course level.

Activities produced for the workshop will undergo peer review as part of the annual Teaching Computation with MATLAB review process and be published on the SERC web site, enabling citation in publications and CVs. In addition, MathWorks representatives will be on hand to provide expertise on best practices for teaching with MATLAB, and education aids for teaching and assessing computational skills live, online, and in flipped-classroom settings.


By applying to the workshop, participants agree to do the following, if accepted:

  • Submit an activity that involves teaching computation using MATLAB. A template will be provided for participants to enter the essential information about their teaching activities. These activities will be showcased at the workshop so they must be completed prior to the workshop.
  • Submit an essay on your experience with teaching computation using MATLAB.
  • Participate fully in the entire workshop and attend all workshop sessions. Many participants will be invited to make presentations or serve as discussion or working group leaders at the workshop.

This workshop is a collaboration between MathWorks and the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College. Participants are expected to review and follow SERC's Code of Professional Conduct for SERC Events.


MathWorks will cover the full cost of hosting the workshop. There are no costs to participants associated with attending the online workshop.

Location and Facilities

The workshop will be held online using Zoom video conferencing software. A computer and internet connection are required to participate in the workshop. Application and Selection Criteria


Applicants for this workshop must teach at a two- or four-year college or university. They should also have experience using MATLAB in teaching or plans to use MATLAB for teaching. The final list of participants will be developed with the goal of assembling a group of experienced educators, representing a wide range of experiences, educational environments, and specialties.

The application deadline has passed for this workshop.

Certificate of Completion

Participants who attend and participate in the entire workshop will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Note about Workshop Participation

We encourage everyone to participate in as much of the workshop as possible. Many aspects of the workshop build on earlier segments, so missing sections can be disruptive. Small working group sessions are a key feature of the workshop; those are not recorded.

Participants who miss more than one day will not receive the Certificate of Completion.

For More Information

If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Kahn at the Science Education Resource Center:

Past Events

