Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB - California
For California-based educators in Geoscience, Physics, Math, Biology, Engineering, and allied fields
November 6-7, 2022 | Virtual Workshop

This 2-day workshop is specifically designed for educators from California.
The workshop will bring together California educators teaching quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and student skills related to programming STEM solutions.
Working with educator peers and MATLAB experts, workshop participants will develop MATLAB related curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses, whether live, remote or hybrid. Topics will include:
- Centralized browser-based MATLAB Online software for teaching and learning
- Automated grading of coding assignments with MATLAB Grader
- Strategies for flipping classrooms and videoing lectures
- And more
Session formats will include presentations of proven teaching activities, panel discussions led by peer leaders, and working groups within and across disciplines. Educators will return to their in-person and online classrooms, departments, and institutions armed with new skills, ideas to implement, and improve course offerings.
Hundreds of educators have participated in the Teaching Computation with MATLAB workshops.
One participant shared:
"We are going to actually design a new course on Data Visualization!"
Extended application deadline: September 1, 2022
- MathWorks California Team
- Lisa Kempler, MathWorks Sponsor
- Cailin Huyck Orr
- Maureen Kahn
This workshop is sponsored by: