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Workshops and Webinars

Interested in participating in the annual Teaching Computation in the Sciences workshop or periodic webinars? Join the email list to receive updates.

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Matlab workshop 2019 interest groups
October 2024 Workshop: Teaching Computation with MATLAB (and GenAI) 

October 27-29, 2024

Workshop overview and resources.

Held in-person at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, this 3-day workshop brought together educators teaching quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and pedagogical approaches while using MATLAB tools. Working with faculty peers and MATLAB experts, workshop participants developed curriculum using MATLAB while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges in teaching computational courses.

Matlab Workshop 2018
Taller Virtual para Educadores 2023: Enseñando Pensamiento Computacional con MATLAB

Septiembre 10-12, 2023

Este taller de 3 días reunirá a educadores que enseñan pensamiento cuantitativo y habilidades computacionales que estén interesados ​​en fortalecer sus cursos, materiales didácticos y la introducción de los estudiantes a la programación, con un enfoque particular en la transición de cursos a cursos parcial o totalmente en línea.

Spanish-language 2023 Virtual Workshop: Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB 
September 10-12, 2023

Workshop overview and resources.

This 3-day workshop will bring together educators who teach quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and introducing students to programming, with a particular focus on transitioning to partially or fully online coursework.

MATLAB workshop 2019 participant sharing
October 2023 Workshop: Teaching Computation with MATLAB

October 22-24, 2023

Workshop overview  and resources.

This 3-day virtual workshop brought together educators teaching quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and student uptake with programming, with a particular focus on transitioning courses to partially or fully online. Working with faculty peers and MATLAB experts, workshop participants developed MATLAB related curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses in the new virtual and distance learning reality.

MATLAB November 2022 Participants
November 2022 Virtual Workshop: Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB -  California

November 6-7, 2022

Workshop overview and resources.

Designed specifically for California educators, this 2-day virtual workshop will bring together educators teaching quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and student uptake with programming, with a particular focus on transitioning courses to partially or fully online. Working with faculty peers and MATLAB experts, workshop participants will develop MATLAB related curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses in the new virtual and distance learning reality.

MATLAB October 2022 Participants
October 2022 Virtual Workshop: Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB  

October 16-18, 2022

Workshop overview and resources.

This 3-day virtual workshop brought together educators teaching quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and student uptake with programming, with a particular focus on transitioning courses to partially or fully online. Working with faculty peers and MATLAB experts, workshop participants developed MATLAB related curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses in the new virtual and distance learning reality.

MATLAB workshop 2019 participant sharing
2021 Workshop -- Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB

October 17-19, 2021

Workshop program and resources.

This 3-day virtual workshop brought together educators teaching quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and student uptake with programming, with a particular focus on transitioning courses to partially or fully online. Working with faculty peers and MATLAB experts, workshop participants developed MATLAB related curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses in the new virtual and distance learning reality.

Matlab workshop 2019 interest groups
2020 Workshop -- Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB

October 11-13, 2020

Workshop program and resources

This 3-day virtual workshop brought together educators teaching quantitative thinking and computational skills who are interested in strengthening their courses, teaching materials, and student uptake with programming, with a particular focus on transitioning courses to partially or fully online. Working with faculty peers and MATLAB experts, workshop participants developed MATLAB related curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses in the new virtual and distance learning reality.

MATLAB workshop 2019 participant sharing
[creative commons]
Provenance: Mitchell Bender-Awalt, Carleton College
Reuse: This item is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ You may reuse this item for non-commercial purposes as long as you provide attribution and offer any derivative works under a similar license.
2019 Workshop -- Teaching Computational Thinking Skills with MATLAB

October 20-22, 2019

Workshop program and resources

For students to succeed at research and careers in STEM, they require quantitative thinking and computational skills. This workshop brought together faculty who teach computation in their courses and are interested in strengthening and developing their teaching skills and MATLAB based materials. Working in sessions and 1-on-1 with faculty peers and MATLAB experts, participants discussed teaching strategies, tools, and resources. Participants spent time during the workshop evolving and improving their course materials based on give-and-take with and colleagues. Because the workshop included educators from multiple disciplines – from Biology to Engineering to Math – the workshop enabled sharing of ideas and best practices across fields of study.

Matlab workshop 2019 interest groups
[creative commons]
Provenance: Mitchell Bender-Awalt, Carleton College
Reuse: This item is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ You may reuse this item for non-commercial purposes as long as you provide attribution and offer any derivative works under a similar license.
2018 Workshop -- Teaching Computation in the Sciences using MATLAB

October 14-16, 2018

Workshop synthesis | Workshop program and resources

To address the need to strengthen computational skills, this workshop brought together faculty from the sciences who teach computation and are interested in strengthening their skills and developing MATLAB-based teaching resources. Working interactively with faculty peers and MathWorks representatives, participants developed teaching strategies, assessments, and learning goals and contributed to a collection of sharable teaching activities. By including educators from multiple disciplines – including Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Math, and allied fields – the workshop encouraged sharing of ideas and best practices and integration of themes and tools across areas.

Go to /teaching_computation/workshop_2017/index.html
2017 Workshop -- Developing Competency in Teaching Computation using MATLAB

October 15-17, 2017

Workshop synthesis | Workshop program and resources

To address the need to strengthen computational skills, this workshop brought together faculty from the sciences who teach computation and are interested in strengthening their skills and developing MATLAB-based teaching resources. Working interactively with faculty peers and MathWorks representatives, participants developed teaching activities and contributed to a collection of sharable teaching activities. By including educators from multiple disciplines – including Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Math, and allied fields – the workshop encouraged sharing of ideas and best practices and integration of themes and tools across areas.

These new activities and resources will empower participants and enable other faculty to teach computation and quantitative thinking using MATLAB more effectively. This transfer of knowledge between educators will, in turn, provide students the foundation to thrive in their scientific disciplines.

Go to /matlab_computation2016/index.html
2016 Workshop -- Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB

October 23-25, 2016

Workshop synthesis | Workshop program and resources

This workshop brought together faculty from the sciences, including Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Biology, and allied fields, who teach computation and quantitative thinking skills using MATLAB. Computation is broadly defined as using computers in scientific work to understand and solve problems, or formulating problems in ways that can be computed. Participants built a collection of teaching activities that showcase computation, quantitative thinking, and applied math using MATLAB and design approaches to integrating these skills throughout science degree programs.

Go to /NAGTWorkshops/data_models/matlab15/index.html
2015 Workshop -- Teaching Geoscience with MATLAB

October 18-20, 2015

Workshop synthesis | Workshop program and resources

This workshop is designed to explore how teaching with MATLAB can enhance the student learning environment in undergraduate Earth Science and related courses. MATLAB can be applied to solving problems and developing systems involving mathematical computation, data analytics and statistics, signal and image processing, geographical mapping, and more in the scientific and engineering domains. As a participant, you will help build a collection of teaching activities that showcase how you utilize MATLAB in your classroom.


Go to /teaching_computation/webinar/index.html
2017 Webinar -- Developing Computational Skills in the Sciences with MATLAB

April 27, 2017

This webinar showcases the web pages and resources that have been designed collaboratively by SERC and MathWorks to help you explore how teaching computation in the sciences with MATLAB can enhance the student learning environment in undergraduate science and related courses. The webinar explores common challenges of teaching computational skills, focusing on teaching data visualization and data analysis, and showcase examples of biology, neuroscience, and geophysics teaching activities that overcome these challenges by utilizing MATLAB as a tool.

Go to /NAGTWorkshops/data_models/matlab16/index.html
2016 Webinar -- Developing Quantitative Skills Using Geoscience Data and MATLAB

April 28, 2016

This 60-minute webinar showcases the webpages and resources that have been designed collaboratively by SERC and MathWorks® to help you explore how teaching with MATLAB® can enhance the student learning environment in undergraduate Earth Science and related courses. The webinar explores common challenges of teaching quantitative skills, focusing on teaching data visualization and data analysis, and showcase examples of geoscience teaching activities that overcome these challenges by utilizing MATLAB as a tool. Lisa Kempler from MathWorks® introduces the webpages and resources available for teaching with MATLAB. Charly Bank from the University of Toronto showcases the teaching activity, Visualizing outcrop patterns from strike/dip data using MATLAB; Andrew Fischer from the University of Tasmania showcases the teaching activity, Working with Scientific Data Sets in MATLAB: An Exploration of Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature; Jackie Caplan-Auerbach from Western Washington University showcases the teaching activity, Signal processing and earthquake triggering.

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