New SERC and NAGT Resources for Transitioning to Online Teaching
Greetings Geoscience Educators,
One of the biggest challenges with teaching geoscience online is the effective adaptation of lab activities. SERC and NAGT's collection of resources includes lab activities that help expand and strengthen student comprehension. The collection also includes videos that enhance knowledge and excitement of discovery.
What's more, NAGT's designing remote field experiences page features the work in progress of a working group focused on helping instructors teaching in the field transition their courses, and the NAGT blog has the personal experiences of Executive Director, Anne Egger, in transitioning her own course to online.
We are sure you will find that SERC and NAGT's resources for online geoscience teaching will provide the support you need through our collection of activities and materials, webinars and virtual events, and topical teaching strategies.
Now more than ever, we rely on connectedness to support each other while navigating this distance learning adventure. We invite you to join the Teaching Geoscience Online community where geoscience educators are finding their way forward together in a collective quest to provide seamless online teaching.
On behalf of