Teach the Earth Updates
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Transitioning from Classroom to Online Courses
Greetings Geoscience Educators, As educational institutions respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, many geoscience educators are finding themselves needing to quickly transition from an in-person course to online ...
Seven-Minute InTeGrate Survey Now Open
Complete the InTeGrate survey here up until 6/22: https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/participate/2018_reach. From now until Friday, June 22, InTeGrate is running a reach survey to maximize the effect of the ...
Rendezvous Updates: Early Bird and Other Deadlines and Additional Funding Opportunity
× Dear Colleagues, The May 1 Early Bird registration deadline for the 2019 Earth Educators' Rendezvous is just around the corner! Check out this year's workshops, mini-workshops, roundtables, ...
Upcoming Workshop and Webinar Deadlines: Early Career and More
Dear Colleagues, The Early Career Workshop application deadline is this Sunday, March 24. In addition, below you will find information on a March 28 webinar on 'Students as Bridges Between Disciplines and ...
InTeGrate Reach Survey Now Open, Closing 6/22
From now until Friday, June 22, InTeGrate is running a reach survey to learn more about which InTeGrate materials are currently in use, and the extent of their influence, so that we can maximize the effect of the ...
Don't miss this summer's Rendezvous: join a workshop, explore themes, showcase your work!
Dear Friends, The Earth Educators' Rendezvous still has spots in many of the high-quality morning workshops. AND, it is not too late to share your teaching or research highlights by submitting a poster or ...
Upcoming "On the Cutting Edge" Application Deadlines
Dear Colleagues, The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) offers an array of workshops and webinars that support educators at all stages in their careers and help improve teaching and learning about ...
Upcoming "On The Cutting Edge" Application Deadlines
× Greetings Colleagues, Several of the On the Cutting Edge professional development programs have deadlines that are just around the corner. We would not want you to miss out! Below you can learn more about ...
Earth Educators' Rendezvous Abstract Submission Deadline is March 13!
× Dear Colleagues, Just a friendly reminder that we need your teaching ideas, research, and expertise at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous this summer! The deadline for submitting an Abstract is March 13. ...
Present at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous in Nashville! Abstract deadline extended to March 13
× Dear Colleagues, We have the summer meeting for you! The Fifth Annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous will be held in Nashville from July 15-19 and co-hosted by Tennessee State and Vanderbilt ...