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Information Type
- Activity 5615 matches
- Community Discussion Summary 1 match
- Conference Presentation 1131 matches
- Course Description 887 matches
- Course Module 413 matches Teaching materials for one section of a course.
- DataSheet 20 matches
- Event 815 matches
- Essays and Blog Posts 938 matches
- Interest Group 1 match
- Program Description 249 matches
- Project Site 66 matches
- Teaching Method 10 matches
- American Studies 1 match
- Anthropology 19 matches
- Biology 626 matches
- Business 10 matches
- Chemistry 134 matches
- Computer Science 12 matches
- Economics 42 matches
- Education 201 matches
- Engineering 95 matches
- English 45 matches
- Environmental Science 3661 matches
- Fine Arts 8 matches
- Geography 410 matches
- Geoscience 6993 matches
- Health Sciences 81 matches human health topics
- History 17 matches
- Languages 11 matches
- Mathematics 111 matches
- Media Studies 3 matches
- Physics 215 matches
- Political Science 47 matches
- Psychology 12 matches
- Religion 2 matches
- Social Science 2 matches
- Sociology 50 matches
- Women's and Gender Studies 1 match
Theme: Teach the Earth
- A Civil Action - The Woburn Toxic Trial 171 matches
- ACM Pedagogic Resources 96 matches
- ADVANCEGeo 161 matches
- AK UNiTE 5 matches
- BASICS 32 matches
- C-ChanGe 1 match
- CAMEL 433 matches
- Chronos Workshop 10 matches
- CISMI 14 matches
- CLEAN 2446 matches
- Climate Change Collection 58 matches
- Climate Education in an Age of Media 243 matches
- Coalition for Climate Literacy 10 matches
- Compass 1 match
- Creating Next Generation STEM Teacher Preparation Programs: NextGen-WA 1 match
- CUREnet 13 matches
- Curriculum for the Bioregion 242 matches
- Cutting Edge 6293 matches
- Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education 75 matches
- Deep Time Climate and Carbon Cycle 1 match
- DIG Texas Blueprints 38 matches
- Disciplinary Engagement with 2YCs 1 match
- E-STEM 38 matches
- Earth Analysis Techniques 80 matches
- Earth and Mind 124 matches
- Earth and Space Science 30 matches
- Earth Educators Rendezvous 3201 matches
- Earth Exploration Toolbook 1900 matches
- EarthLabs 291 matches
- EarthLabs for Educators 166 matches
- EarthScope ANGLE 99 matches
- EarthScope Chronicles 23 matches
- EarthScope in the Northern Rockies Workshop 16 matches
- ESS Vocabulary 8 matches
- Exploring the Past to Understand the Future 19 matches
- Eyes in the Sky 11 matches
- Eyes in the Sky II 358 matches
- GARNET 4 matches
- Geo-Needs 43 matches
- GEODE 13 matches
- GeoEthics 68 matches
- GeoMapApp Learning Activities 18 matches
- Geoscience in Two-year Colleges 102 matches
- GET Spatial Learning 21 matches
- GETSI 346 matches
- Guided Inquiry Introductory Geology Labs 13 matches
- Hawaiian Volcanoes 6 matches
- Humanities Education for Anti-Racism Literacy 2 matches
- IEDA2 2 matches
- IGUaNA 68 matches
- Integrate 3586 matches
- Integrating Research and Education 523 matches
- IODP School of Rock 2020 26 matches
- K-8 Geo Teacher Preparation 3 matches
- Keyah Math 17 matches
- Know Soil, Know Life Educators Guide 10 matches
- MARGINS Data in the Classroom 116 matches
- Mars for Earthlings 87 matches
- Math You Need 128 matches
- Math You Need - Majors 27 matches
- Microbial Life 5 matches
- Midwest Climate Collaborative Education 4 matches
- NAGT 3061 matches
- Nanotechnology in STEM 10 matches
- NC-FEW 1 match
- Neotoma 24 matches
- Oceans in the News 19 matches
- Pedagogy in Action 504 matches
- PENGUIN 6 matches
- Polar PASS 25 matches
- Project EDDIE 561 matches
- Quantitative Skills 319 matches
- QuIRK 3 matches
- REBUS 49 matches
- Research on Learning 36 matches
- SAGE 2YC 1050 matches
- Science for Non-Scientists 1 match
- Scientific Ocean Drilling 5 matches
- SERC 461 matches
- SISL 77 matches
- Spatial Thinking Workbook 35 matches
- Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience 715 matches
- Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics 7 matches
- Sustainability Workshop 17 matches
- Teach the Earth 558 matches
- Teacher Preparation 235 matches
- Teaching Computation with MATLAB 111 matches
- Teaching Genomics at Small Colleges 2 matches
- Teaching with Augmented and Virtual Reality 25 matches
- TIDeS 106 matches
- Using Data in the Classroom 277 matches
- Vignettes 233 matches
- Visualizing the Liberal Arts 5 matches
- WILSIM 19 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 30505 matches
Reef Builders through Time part of Teaching Activities
Students will use the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) to explore the history of reef-building animals through time. They will document diversity and extinction patterns through time for seven reef-building marine ...
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Discover Plate Tectonics part of Guided Inquiry Introductory Geology Labs:Activities
This is a student-centered activity for a synchronous online course where students access google slides to complete during a video conferencing session (eg. Zoom) in break out rooms. Students will be introduced to ...
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What's in the Water? Lesson 4: Drinking Water & Environmental Justice part of Teaching Activities
In this lesson from the "What's in the Water?" PFAS Contamination Unit", students explore equity in drinking water across the U.S. For homework, students read segments of two recent reports ...
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Topographic differencing: Earthquake along the Wasatch fault part of Teaching Activities
After a big earthquake happens people ask, 'Where did the earthquake occur? How big was it? What type of fault was activated?' We designed an undergraduate laboratory exercise in which students learn how ...
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Activity 10: Feedback Loops Applied part of Teaching Activities
Students apply the vocabulary and concepts from the Activity 9: Feedback Loop Introduction to assess and create earth science feedback loops with the LOOPY online modeling program. (Optional) The students then ...
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Getting started with Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry part of Cutting Edge:Enhance Your Teaching:Teaching with Online Field Experiences:Activities
Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry method uses overlapping images to create a 3D point cloud of an object or landscape. It can be applied to everything from fault scarps to landslides to topography. This ...
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Volcano Monitoring with GPS: Westdahl Volcano Alaska part of EarthScope ANGLE:Educational Materials:Activities
Learners use graphs of GPS position data to determine how the shape of Westdahl Volcano, Alaska is changing. If the flanks of a volcano swell or recede, it is a potential indication of magma movement and changing ...
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Exploring Tectonic Motions with GPS part of EarthScope ANGLE:Educational Materials:Activities
Learners study plate tectonic motions by analyzing Global Positioning System (GPS) data, represented as vectors on a map. By observing changes in vector lengths and directions, learners interpret whether regions are compressing, extending, or sliding past each other. To synthesize their findings, learners identify locations most likely to have earthquakes, and defend their choices by providing evidence based on the tectonic motions from the GPS vector and seismic hazards maps. Show more information on NGSS alignment Hide NGSS ALIGNMENT Disciplinary Core Ideas History of Earth: HS-ESS1-5 Earth' Systems: MS-ESS2-2 Earth and Human Activity: MS-ESS3-2, HS-ESS3-1 Science and Engineering Practices 4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data 5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking 6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Crosscutting Concepts 4. Systems and System Models 7. Stability and Change
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Unit 1: Exploring the Reservoirs and Pathways and Methods to Measure the Hydrologic Cycle part of Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources
How does water move throughout the Earth system? How do scientists measure the amount of water that moves through these pathways? This unit provides an alternative way for students to learn the major components of ...
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Wind and Ocean Ecosystems part of Project EDDIE:Teaching Materials:Modules
Wind has a fundamental impact on ocean ecosystems. Wind drives physical processes, including current development and upwelling through Ekman transport. These physical processes, in turn, have cascading impacts on ...
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