Exercise in a Changing Climate
Students will view a series of short videos (alternatively, PowerPoint presentations, which can be viewed at a pace determined by the students) describing what climate change is and the implications for exercise and athletic activities. Using the question of how exercise and sporting events might be affected by climate, students are led to the basic questions of what causes climate change, how our climate might change, and what affect that might have on athletes and anyone undertaking strenuous exercise.
Learning Goals
- What is the basic mechanism of anthropogenic climate change.
- How our climate will change, particularly in Minnesota and the upper Midwest.
- The implications of climate change for exercise and athletic activities.
- How heat and humidity interact to affect the climate and human physiology during exercise.
- The key responses to climate change of adaptation and mitigation.
- The key "ask" of students is that they reflect on how the global scale climate effects could change their everyday physical fitness activities.
Context for Use
Description and Teaching Materials
The lesson as outlined above is available at this web page: http://homepages.gac.edu/~jdontje/ExerciseinaChangingClimate.htm. The lesson invites students to learn more about anthropogenic climate change in general, while considering the implications for everyday exercise activity
At that link, there are a series of 4 presentations, each with an associated set of reflection questions. The presentations should be viewed sequentially with the respective set of reflection questions considered after each presentation.
Presentations 1, 3 and 4 are in MP4, HTML5 (weblink) and clickable PowerPoint forms on the web page. Presentation 4 on "How Global Warming Works" is a link to an external website with different length versions.
The presentations can be viewed sequentially with time for considering the reflection questions after each video. At the end, there is the option of taking a quiz (example provided) to gauge the students' comprehension. Alternatively, students may be assigned the entire lesson as a self-study project with follow-up discussion in the following class.
References for all the presentations are cited within the presentations along with any required licensing details.