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Student use of Excel through Objects Materials  

Students brought in various objects from home (those that would fit in the palm of their hand. We weighed, measured and classified these objects through properties discussed.
Data was collected by hand first to maintain the use of the Excel sheet prior to using the computer. Once data was compiled, we input this data onto a spreadsheet. Demonstrating the many uses of Excel we highlighted small piecs of data first (just the weight and length) to see how the graph wizard worked. Then I allowed students to explore the uses of Excel graphing and from the file you may see that they were able to create many types of graphs with the information they collected. We have since taken pictures of shawdows and used these in ImageJ and combined it with Excel to make graphs. **2nd lesson to be completed


Student data for Excel:Properties of Objects (Zip Archive 150kB Dec8 08)


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lesson template (Microsoft Word 57kB Dec8 08)


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Hi Andrea,
I enjoyed reading your lesson plan and reflections. It must be particularly gratifying that students have started to find additional applications and assignments to use excel to make graphs.
I now have a projector and I agree, it helps facilitate instruction immensely. Trouble-shooting can be difficult without it.
I like your idea of graphing household items. I may adapt this and use a consistent quantity of common (safe) liquids as an introduction to density and controlling variables.


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My students have begun to use their skills in Enrichment class---Surveying one another and putting info into Excel.
Thanks for the feedback-See you soon and Happy Holidays!


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I think my students would enjoy an activity like this one I will have to think about how I would make it more challenging for 11th and 12th grade classes.


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This is a good use of Excel. I can adapt it for use with my eighth grade class.
Rich Briody


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I can use this in the classroom with my Technology kids. It is effective and user friendly for all students.



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Hi Andrea,

I love that this activity allowed kids to experiment with the different features of Excel. I think that's how they gain confidence. It reminded me of how often I have a specific objective...and kids only know that specific procedure. It would make them feel more comfortable with more experimentation time.

Thanks for sharing your lesson! And...happy holidays!

Karen :)


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