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Shadows 2 ImageJ  


Shadows2/ImageJ (Microsoft Word 58kB Mar7 09)


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ImageJ Lesson2 student samples (Zip Archive 13kB Mar7 09)


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ImageJ Follow up (Microsoft Word 27kB Mar7 09)


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Due to the size of the content I refrained from posting the zip file containing all student samples of this project. Each student has 4 to 5 documents in their personal files from the year. I have them saved on a flash drive so if any one you were interested in viewing these I could post them in a zip file. I included the relevant pieces for this implementation.


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Hi Andrea,
Great lesson. I also plan to use a different system for labeling and storing the photographs for easier student access - this seems like a key for any Image J investigation that uses student collected images.


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Great lesson and use of data samples to explain what the students encountered over the course of analyzing the data using Imagej. Thanks!


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