« Implementation Discussion 1

Providence Trees  

Measuring trees overview, student work and reflections.


Providence Trees - Overview,sample studet work, reflections (Microsoft Word 2.5MB Dec7 08)


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Data Collection sheet fro Riverside Cemetery (Microsoft Word 29kB Dec7 08)


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Student Instructions for Using Image J (Microsoft Word 2.1MB Dec7 08)


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This was very helpful to me Suzanne. I started my second analysis with students using ImageJ and was not clear about how to set measure and analyze and all that so now that I look at your demonstration I am more confident. I reserved the computer lab for Wed. and will give it a go! We took photos of shadows.


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I am in agreement with Andrea. My measurements turned out in whole meters, not is parts. I will do it again and see if my measurements were not set up properly. We measured students over time and were comparing the actual measurements with the data tool measurement and not getting as accurate a result from the real. I will try again.


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I like this investigation, and the combination of field work, gps, and image J. Your student instruction sheet for image J was great, I am planning on adapting it. I think I may try to adapt this project for teaching classification of plants in the spring (if I can find the time :) )


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Suzanne you had mentioned this simple science site in class and I forgot about it. I followed your link to Introduction to Image Processing and Analysis and will have to use this film with my classes to along with the Image J software. This film drives home the importance of digital image analysis and why we should be using it in the classroom. Also great handouts for ImageJ thanks for the link.
I followed your other link to the RI tree site. I don't know if there is a similar in MA but I hope so.
Nice work with the lesson and will see if it can be adapted for use in the school with some willing Math/Science teacher/s.

Thanks for the great resources!


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« Implementation Discussion 1