« Second Investigation Plan
« Second Investigation Plan

Going In-Seine  


Fish population Analysis Using ImageJ ( 1.5MB Jan28 09)


Share edittextuser=1714 post_id=3189 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1056

Marjorie, I love the name of your lesson but can't open it - what's the file extension (or is it the dreaded MAC application that my PC won't recognize?) Celeste


Share edittextuser=1699 post_id=3190 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1056

I can't get it either, and I am on a MAC


Share edittextuser=1671 post_id=3196 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1056

I was able to download and open the file. I had WORD open on the desktop and the document opened then I SAVED AS and renamed it in my documents.

Great lesson and great resources to go along with it! Very thorough!


Share edittextuser=1690 post_id=3225 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1056

When I click the link using my Mac a different Web page opens, and from that new page I again click the link to download the file. It seems to be acting as an html file although it is not.

It it is uploaded again with the extension .doc it may open for more people.


Share edittextuser=36 post_id=3227 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1056

This looks like a great lesson. Do your students actually get to the water, or do they use the photos?


Share edittextuser=1693 post_id=3242 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1056

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