The development of an open education resource (OER) on scientific ocean drilling for the introductory oceanography classroom

Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm SERC Building - Atrium | Poster #19
Poster Session Part of Friday Poster Session


Laura Guertin, Penn State Brandywine
Beth Doyle, Northern Virginia Community College
Tessa Peixoto, Northern Virginia Community College
Institutions of higher education are increasingly adopting OERs to ensure that course resources for students are more accessible and affordable. This is a necessary step to enhance student learning and engagement. Currently, the availability of OER textbooks for oceanography is very limited. Catalano et al. (2023) found only five OER introductory oceanography textbooks, each having few-to-no mentions of the history of oceanography and descriptions of the process of conducting science at sea. Since 1968, scientific ocean drilling has provided valuable deep-sea core material that has led to significant contributions to our understanding of plate tectonics, paleoclimate, and more (Becker et al., 2019). The IODP (International Ocean Discovery Program) and participation of the drill ship JOIDES Resolution (the JR) will be concluding in 2024, ending U.S. participation and leadership in deep Earth drilling for sediment and crustal material. Catalano et al. also documented the notable lack of mentions of the JR and its predecessor Glomar Challenger in these OERs. To ensure that the rich history of scientific ocean drilling and the research methods conducted at sea remain integral to undergraduate earth science curricula, three educators who previously served as JR Onboard Outreach Officers are developing an OER. This resource will document the program's history, highlight the latest shipboard techniques for material collection, and explore the methods used to study ocean sediments and crustal material in situ. The OER will include supporting multimedia material (video and audio), scientist and technician profiles, and interactive elements through H5P, the free and open-source content collaboration platform. It will be published with a Creative Commons license for others to repurpose and reuse. We will present a detailed outline of our OER and look forward to feedback to improve its value and utilization.