Getting it Done: Experiences Implementing the Framework and NGSS in Earth and Space Science

Tuesday 3:00pm-4:15pm Student Union: Trailblazer/Spirit
Round Table Discussion


Susan Sullivan, University of Colorado at Boulder
Aida Awad, Maine East High School
Since the release of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS, members of the geoscience education community have gained a collective wealth of experience to draw on. Continued momentum toward implementation of the NGSS depends on continuing to build a broad and inclusive community. This round table discussion will enable us to share progress on NGSS efforts, troubleshoot issues, describe best practices and strengthen connections between community members. Discussion topics will depend on the interests of participants.

Getting it Done: Experiences Implementing the Framework and NGSS in Earth and Space Science -- Discussion  

This post was edited by Aida Awad on Jul, 2017
Talking points for our discussion:

As you reflect on accomplishments related to NGSS-ESS implementation that have been made by the community:
- What’s worked / not worked?
- What support systems are in place?
- In what areas are there gaps and how can they be filled?
-States have adopted, adapted and modified their science standards related to NGSS. How does that impact the efforts being made?
- Teacher prep instructors want to be able to support their pre-service teachers. PD for teacher prep instructors.
- How are we supporting Bio, Chem, Physics teachers to integrate the ESS into their teaching?
- Teaching online for a wide geographic audience of teachers, how do we support all of them when they are teaching to different standards.
- How do you infuse 3D learning with teachers in states that are not adopting states?
- How do we support future teachers in larger intro geoscience courses.
- Support for elementary teachers in teaching NGSS science.
- Supporting teachers and school leaders in classroom management in 3D teaching/learning classrooms.

- What materials and resources are available to support a deeper understanding of NGSS?
- Please check out the archived webinars on the NGSS-ESS pages of the NAGT website.
- resources for step-by-step DIY approach to building units, and example units.
- Achieve tools such as EQUiP, PEES, Sample Assessment Tasks, Storyline/Bundles, Evidence Statements.

The NGSS-ESS Working group is working to set the 2017-18 webinar program.
- What topics should be covered?
- Bundling and storylines. How they can support integrating NGSS-ESS across B, C, P.
- How do you build ESS content knowledge in those without?
- Reports from states around what's working and why. What are their next steps?

- What recommendations do you have for presenters?

If you were doing a status update for NGSS-ESS, what would the categories be?

We invite contributions to the GSA 2017 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Topical Session T114. Getting It Done: Experiences of Implementing the Framework and NGSS in Earth and Space Science.
The geoscience education community has taken action to implement the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS. This session will share case studies, lessons learned, and personal reflections of implementation efforts, even unvarnished ones. Since the release of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the NGSS, members of the geoscience education community have gained a collective wealth of experience to draw on. This session is designed for presentations that share case studies of implementation, lessons learned from development projects, personal reflections of implementation efforts, and other insights from practical efforts that can be of value to others. The intent of the session is to allow the community to benefit from the experiences of others with respect to the challenges and successes that have come out of real-world action around these initiatives. We encourage submissions across all levels of formal instruction, as well as informal education.


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