Initial Publication Date: February 3, 2012
2012 Seminar Group
The seminar participants - cross-disciplinary, three-person teams from four ACM colleges - will utilize their learning from the seminar to design and test cross-disciplinary curricular innovations for upper-level students on their home campuses in academic year 2012-13. Click on the links below for more information about the members of the 2012 SAIL seminar group.
Leadership team
- Glenn Adelson, Environmental Studies (Lake Forest College)
- Janet McCracken, Philosophy (Lake Forest College)
- Kimberly Smith, Political Science and Environmental Studies (Carleton College)
Beloit College (Team Profile)
- Kristin Bonnie, Psychology
- Katie Johnson, Biology
- Matt Tedesco, Philosophy
Grinnell College (Team Profile)
- Vicki Bentley-Condit, Anthropology
- Jonathan (Jackie) Brown, Biology
- Lesley Wright, Art History and Director, Faulconer Gallery
Luther College (Team Profile)
- Brian Caton, History
- Ellen Drewes-Stoen, Health and Physical Education
- Scott Hurley, Religion
Macalester College (Team Profile)
- Andrew Billing, French and Francophone Studies
- Scott Legge, Anthropology
- Eric Wiertelak, Psychology and Neuroscience