Initial Publication Date: May 18, 2012
Reading List: Considering Animals in Washington, D.C.
Following is a list of articles and excerpts that participants are expected to prepare for the 2012 seminar. Please check back frequently, as this page will continue to be updated prior to the seminar.
Required Readings
- J.M. Coetzee, The Lives of Animals. ed. Amy Gutmann (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999), being sent to you separately.
- Dale Jamieson, "Against Zoos" (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 26kB May29 12) In PETER SINGER (ed), In Defense of Animals, New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985, pp. 108-117
- Richard Reading and Brian Miller, "Attitudes and attitude change among zoo visitors" (Acrobat (PDF) 5.9MB May7 12)
- Michael Hutchins, "The animal rights–conservation debate: can zoos and aquariums play a role?" (Acrobat (PDF) 5MB May7 12)
- Lewis Thomas, "The Tucson Zoo" from The Medusa and the Snail (Acrobat (PDF) 927kB May29 12)
- Robert Burns, "To a Mouse" (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 16kB May29 12)
- John Keats, "Ode to a Nightingale" (Microsoft Word 37kB May29 12)
- Emily Dickinson, "A Bird Came Down the Walk" (Microsoft Word 23kB Jun8 12)
- Marianne Moore, "He Digesteth Harde Yron" (Microsoft Word 24kB May29 12)
- Wallace Stevens, "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" (Microsoft Word 28kB Jun8 12)
- Ranier Maria Rilke, "The Panther" (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 71kB Jul7 12)
- Ted Hughes, "The Jaguar" (Microsoft Word 25kB Jul7 12)
- The Endangered Species Act at Thirty (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB May24 12)
- Cass Sunstein, "Standing for Animals" (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 84kB May24 12)
- Kimberly Smith, Governing Animals: Animal Welfare and the Liberal State, chs. 2 & 5 (Acrobat (PDF) 3.4MB May31 12)
- Loren Eiseley, "The Bird and the Machine" (Microsoft Word 45kB May29 12)
Recommended Readings
- For reference only: Instutional IACUC guidebook (Acrobat (PDF) 3.2MB May22 12)
- Neville Gregory, Physiology and Behaviour of Animal Suffering, ch. 12, "Sickness and Disease" (Acrobat (PDF) 99kB May22 12)
Recommended by Elizabeth Turner (for Tuesday, 7/10)
- Alexander Calder, excerpts from Animal Sketching (Acrobat (PDF) 15MB May25 12)
Recommended by Donald Moore (for Thursday, 7/12)
- George Rabb, "The Evolution of Zoos from Menageries to Centers of Conservation and Caring" (Acrobat (PDF) 631kB May22 12)
- Markus Gussett and Gerald Dick, "The Global Reach of Zoos and Aquariums in Visitor Numbers and Conservation Expenditures" (Acrobat (PDF) 87kB May22 12)
- Markus Gussett and Gerald Dick, "‘Building a Future for Wildlife’? Evaluating the contribution of the world zoo and aquarium community to in situ conservation" (Acrobat (PDF) 494kB May22 12)
Recommended by Tim Allen (for Friday, 7/13)
Recommended by Jessica Almy (for Thursday, 7/17)
- Kieran Suckling et al., "How the Endangered Species Act is Saving Wildlife" (Acrobat (PDF) 2MB May22 12)