Catalog of Video-Based Teaching Activities

This collection of video-based activities was begun as part of the 2014 virtual workshop on Designing and Using Videos in Undergraduate Geoscience Education. If you have a favorite activity that involves video, please tell us about it!

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Results 1 - 10 of 33 matches

Air-sea Interactions: Activities in Oceanography
Steve LaDochy, California State University-Los Angeles
This online set of activities help students learn properties of ocean waves, wind-wave relationships and properties of tsunamis.

Comparison of Two Hurricanes
David Kobilka, Central Lakes College-Brainerd
In this activity students synthesize ideas from lecture, reading, and viewing two PBS NOVA videos on hurricanes.

Rebecca Teed, Wright State University-Main Campus
Eruption! is a volcanic crisis simulation model in which students role-play villagers, the governor, volcanologists, and the press, working to preserve their lives and homes from an active volcano. -

Evolution of Normal Fault Systems During Progressive Deformation
Bob Burger, Smith College
This activity is based on QuickTime movies and color digital photographs derived from sandbox experiments that produce normal faults in a variety of boundary conditions following experiments developed by Ken ...

Exploring El Niño
Kevin Theissen, University of St. Thomas (MN)
In this introductory-level lab activity, students first view a 20-minute portion of an informative video to learn about the operation of an array of moored buoys that is used to detect changes in the El Niño ...

Introducing Geological Interesting Places with Videos
Ning Wang, The University of Texas at Dallas
This activity provides a workflow and an example of using the workflow to create videos to effectively and efficiently introduce geologic interesting places.

Magma Viscosity Demos
Barry Bickmore, Brigham Young University
This is an interactive lecture where students answer questions about demonstrations shown in several movie files. They learn to connect what they have learned about molecules, phases of matter, silicate crystal structures, and igneous rock classification with magma viscosity, and to connect magma viscosity with volcano explosiveness and morphology.

Making a Soil Monolith
Aleshia Mueller, Carleton College
This extended exercise engages soils students in both field and laboratory work through the collection and preservation of a soil monolith. -

Measure a Changing Volcano
This hands-on demonstration illustrates how GPS can be used to measure the inflation and deflation of a volcano. Volcanoes may inflate when magma rises closer to the surface and deflate when the pressure dissipates or after an eruption.

Normal Fault Visualization
Jimm Myers
This module demonstrates the motion on an active normal fault. The operator can manipulate the faulting motion, stopping and reversing motion on the fault at any point along the transit of faulting. The action of ...