Video Catalog
This video reference collection was begun as part of the 2014 virtual workshop on Designing and Using Videos in Undergraduate Geoscience Education. The purpose of the catalog is to pull together links to resources from all over the web; we are not hosting videos here. If you have a favorite educational video you made or use, and you'd be willing to share the link, please tell us about it!
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Results 1 - 10 of 92 matches
Glacial Landforms
In this video we review the principal landforms created by glacial erosion (cirques, arêtes, striations, U-shaped valleys, fjords) and deposition (till, moraine, drumlins, eskers, kettle lakes, outwash plain, erratics). We discuss how a pair of glacial erosion processes - plucking, abrasion - work to break down rocks and modify the landscape. We compare and contrast glacial deposits made up of an unsorted mix of clay, sand and boulders and those that have been generated by running water. Finally, we start and finish the video by trying to figure out how a giant boulder ended up jammed in among the trees in Yellowstone National Park. The video ends with a short review quiz that asks you to identify four images of different landforms.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
What are Volcanic Hazards?
In this video we will describe the most common types of volcanic hazards associated with a volcanic eruption. We begin by considering the threat of an eruption from a Cascade Range volcano for citizens of Portland and Seattle. These are examples of composite volcanoes. Eruptions of these types of volcanoes produce tephra, lahars, pyroclastic flows and lava. Tephra represents the debris blasted into the air and can range in size from tiny glass shards to large blocks blasted out of the volcanic cone. When tephra combines with water it forms lahars that can transport all sizes of debris. Fast moving, toxic pyroclastic flows are among the most dangerous volcanic hazards. Lava plays a relatively modest role in eruptions of composite volcanoes but is a common product of shield volcanoes such as those in Hawaii.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
Transform Plate Boundaries
This video discusses the characteristics of transform plate boundaries where plates slide past each other. We examine four examples of transform boundaries between plates and describe how and why short transform segments offset the oceanic ridge system throughout the world's oceans. We take a closer look at the major transform boundary in North America, the San Andreas fault system and examine what the plate boundary looks like in the Californian desert and what might happen if it were to slip like it has done in the historical past. Finally, we give you an opportunity to see if you can identify the location of a transform boundary where it cuts across part of New Zealand.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
Rivers carved much of the landscape we inhabit, they deposited fertile sediment on the floodplains that we farm, and in many places their flowing water provides power to generate the electricity that lights our homes. This lesson takes a closer look at how water flows through stream systems from small creeks to large rivers. We explain what happens to the water in a stream channel as it travels down the length of a stream from its source to its mouth. We break down how to interpret a Hjulstrom diagram and take a Google Earth tour of the Mississippi River to investigate how discharge changes along its length.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
Convergent Plate Boundaries
This video describes the physical features that can be observed at three different types of convergent plate boundaries and explains the geologic processes that produce these features. We characterize the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes associated with convergent boundaries and relate them to subduction of the cold descending plate and the addition of water to the hot overriding plate. We describe the difference between a volcanic arc and an island arc, and discuss why the crust is much thicker where to slabs of continental lithosphere collide. Finally, we use hands and oven mitts to produce simple analogs of the three convergent boundary types. Really.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
Coal, Oil and Natural Gas
This video describes how fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal are formed and where they can be found. We set up side-by-side comparisons of what these materials are made of, how they develop, and the settings where they are preserved. We discuss how US consumption and production trends for oil and coal have changed in recent years.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
Earthquake Hazards I: Ground Failure
This video describes the geological hazards that result when the ground is shaken during an earthquake. We consider various forms of ground failure such as shaking, liquefaction, landslides and surface ruptures. We include historical footage from the damage of two of the largest US earthquakes - the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1964 Great Alaskan earthquake. We added short clips of two benchtop models of basic processes and larded the whole thing up with plenty of images to illustrate the features under discussion.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
Continental Drift
This video describes the evidence Alfred Wegener used to formulate his continental drift hypothesis and examines why this idea did not gain wide acceptance when it was originally proposed. Wegener pursued four lines of evidence to support continental drift and the existence of the supercontinent, Pangaea. His evidence included the fit of the continents, matching features between now separated land masses, reconstructions of past climates, and the distribution of several fossil species.
Duration: 6-10 minutes
Tsunami Caught on Camera
A British Documentary on the Boxing Day Tsunami that hit Asia in 2004
Duration: 6-10 minutes
How to Classify Volcanoes
This video describes the features geologists use to classify common types of volcanoes. We compare and contrast the features of two types of large volcanoes - shield volcanoes and composite volcanoes. One of these types produces structures that can be larger than Mount Everest while the other represent the majority of dangerous active volcanoes on Earth.We also explain that two other types of smaller volcanic landforms are relatively common and often form in association with their larger brethren. Finally, you can take a simple volcano recognition quiz to try to classify five examples of US volcanoes.
Duration: 6-10 minutes