Initial Publication Date: July 22, 2016

Using Systems Thinking to Understand the Drivers of Climate Change

Source/Author: Juliette Rooney-Varga
Subject: Climate change, stock-flow behavior
Description: This short video explains how the behavior of a stock (i.e., anything that accumulates or declines) is determined by its inflows and outflows, and how 'stock-flow' behavior underpins many of the drivers of climate change, such as the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, or the imbalance of Earth's energy budget. Similarly, understanding stock-flow behavior is critical to our own decisions about how we might address climate change (e.g., how much should emissions be reduced? How will the existing stock of our energy infrastructure influence future emissions? How might the number of people who advocate for climate action change over time?).
Duration: 9:14

Using Systems Thinking to Understand the Drivers of Climate Change