Initial Publication Date: July 25, 2018

Poster Session

The poster session will be run in three rotations. Check below for your group and your poster location (your number). Poster locations will be labeled with corresponding numbers. Please put up both of your posters.


  • 8:55-9:40 Group 1
  • 9:50-10:35 Group 2
  • 10:45-11:30 Group 3
  • 11:40 Poster session reflection

If you are willing to share one or both of your posters, either with the world at large or just with this year's workshop participants, please take a photo of your poster(s) and upload it/them. Thanks!

Group 1 (8:55-9:40)

1. Peter Abanda
2. Ángel Adames-Corraliza
3. Ellis Adams
4. Sinan Akciz
5. Shuvajit Bhattacharya
6. Alice Bradley
7. Erin Bray
8. Scott Burdock
9. Brett Carpenter
10. Min Chen
11. Hilary Close
12. Mackenzie Day
13 & 14. Eileen Evans and Carling Hay
15. Rachel Eveleth
16. Mary Kate Fidler
17. Adam Forte
18. Amanda Brossard
19. Jing Gao
20. Rich Gashing
21. Maya Gomes
22. Natalya Gomez
23. Anne Gothmann

Group 2 (9:50-10:35)

1. Mong-Han Huang
2. Tom Hudgins
3. Marie Kurz
4. Sarah Lambart
5. Andrew Laskowski
6 & 7. Kim Lau and Matthew Winnick
8. Ryan Leary
9. Laura Levy
10. Wei Liu
11. Corey Markfort
12. Jill Marshall
13. Celine Martin
14 & 15. Rachel Gabor and Ashley Matheny
16. Claire McLeod
17. Pinki Mondal
18. Morgan O'Neill
19. Aleja Ortiz
20. Prajjwal Panday
21. Tony Parolari
22. Carlie Pietsch

Group 3 (10:45-11:30)

1. Jason Ricketts
2. Kat Rocheford
3. Naoko Sakaeda
4. Jack Scheff
5. Jocelyn Sessa
6. Suni Shah Walter
7. samantha siedlecki
8. Reza Soltanian
9. Mason Stahl
10. Jessica Stanley
11. Mike Stearns
12. Dan Strummer
13. Cristina Thomas
14. Nicola Tisato
15. Lizzy Trower
16. Sarah Vitale
17. Kun Wang
18. Songqiao Wei
19. Andrew Wozniak
20. Yangyang Xu
21. Ziming Yang
22. Margaret Zimmer