Early Career Geoscience Faculty Visit to the National Science Foundation
Friday, July 27, 2018
Visitor guide, including parking maps, security information, wireless access, etc: https://www.nsf.gov/about/visit/VisitorInformationGuide.pdf
9:00-9:30 Arrival at National Science Foundation
9:30-10:00 Check in (ID required)
- A valid federal or state government identification card that is REAL ID Act compliant is required for entry to NSF facilities. Please check the Department of Homeland Security website (https://www.dhs.gov/current-status-states-territories) to determine if your driver's license is REAL ID Act compliant, or determine what alternative forms of identification you should bring. Examples of valid ID include: REAL ID Act compliant driver's licenses, passport, CAC/PIV card, or pictured I-9 documentation. Please check the NSF website http://www.nsf.gov/about/visit/alt-ids.jsp for examples of alternative forms of identification accepted by NSF.
- You will go through metal detectors at the entrance (security requirements are similar to TSA).
- Hang out in the cafeteria until meetings begin!
- Bring your luggage to the 2nd floor, to Rm E 2020.
10:15 Welcome to NSF (Room E 2020) - Introduction & orientation provided by Geo Leadership
10:45-11:45 Small group meetings (attend one)
- Geobiology & Low-Temperature Geochemistry (Rm 2240)
- Geomorphology and Land-Use Dynamics (Rm 2170)
- Hydrologic Sciences (Rm E 2020)
- Petrology and Geochemistry (Rm 3030)
- Tectonics (Rm 3220)
- Geophysics (RM 2210)
- Programs in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (Rm E 2030)
- Programs in the Division of Ocean Sciences (Rm E 2010)
- Programs in the Office Polar Programs (Rm 2250)
11:45-1:00pm Lunch at the NSF Cafeteria. Please do not leave the NSF building, for timing/security reasons.
From noon -1pm the NSF store is open on the 2nd floor for you to peruse NSF items!
Individual appointments will mostly occur between 1pm-4pm. Please check appointment schedule, and feel free to exit/enter ongoing sessions so that you can attend individual appointments
Individual appointments will be located in lounge/meeting areas, in addition to:
Tectonics (Rm 3220)
Geophysics (Rm 2210)
Hydrology (Rm 2240)
Ocean Sciences (all) (Rm 3030)
Geobiology/Low Temp Geochem (Lounge outside of W2240)
Atmospheric Sciences (DeWeaver - in front of 2010; Anderson - lounge near NSF Store)
Geomorphology (in the Business Lounge, 2nd Floor)
P2C2 (both in Cafeteria)
Coupled Human Natural Systems (TBD)
1:00-1:40 Integrating Research and Education: NSF CAREER Program -- Sonia Esperanca & Lisa Rom (Rm E 2020)
1:45-2:25 Concurrent sessions (attend one)
- Earth Sciences (EAR) Instrumentation and Facilities -- Russell Kelz (tentative) (Rm E 2020)
- Instrumentation and Facilities in AGS -- Shree Mishra & Linnea Avallone (Rm 2010)
- Antarctic & Arctic Logistics & Planning, and Navigating the New Arctic-- Alex Isern & Mike Jackson & Simon Stephensen (Rm 2250)
- Ocean Sciences Logistics, Facilities & Ship Time -- Brian Midson & Lisa Clough (Rm E 2030)
2:30-3:10 Concurrent sessions (attend one)
- Opportunities for supporting undergraduate education in the Geosciences -- Lina Patino & Lisa Rom (Rm E 2020)
- Data Management for NSF supported projects -- Raleigh Martin (Rm 2010)
3:15-3:55 Broader Impacts and Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences -- Lina Patino (Rm E 2020)
3:00-5:00 Debrief: Check in with Sarah, Josh or Tessa before you leave so we know how your visit went!