Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Mission or Vision Statement

Geology Department, University of Vermont

The Geology Department will offer students a high quality undergraduate education in the geosciences both within the context of the breadth of the liberal arts and the focus of pre-professional preparation. We will also offer a high quality graduate education in preparation for a career in the geo- and environmental sciences. We will contribute to the preparation of scientifically literate secondary school teachers. The Department will contribute to the College and University mission to develop an informed and scientifically literate citizenry. We will serve the State through education of its citizenry and through application of geological knowledge to address environmental issues. We will provide an environment for faculty, staff and students which fosters broad opportunities of intellectual discourse in an open and mutually supportive atmosphere. To achieve our mission, the Geology Department will:

  1. offer innovative and relevant courses in the geosciences.
  2. support faculty to pursue rigorous and significant scientific research.
  3. provide all students with the opportunity to undertake research, independent study or internships.
  4. expose students to scientists at other institutions pursuing cutting edge research.
  5. provide a facility that supports students' educational needs.
  6. advise and mentor all students regarding University curriculum and post-graduate careers.