Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Rubric for Evaluating Student Work in a Field Course

From the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, California State University, Chico


This instrument is designed to address most aspects of our curriculum as students are asked to apply knowledge and skills they have acquired in all of the courses in the curriculum to a field project.


This instrument is used to assess student work in the penultimate field course in our geology program, both for grading and assessment purposes. Students receive their scores on the rubric.

Use of the Data

We use the data in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in our program and to implement curriculum changes to address the weaknesses.


This instrument has only been used once. It greatly facilitates grading and allows us to quantify the overall quality of student work in the class in a way that a simple set of letter grades cannot.


Download the Field_Camp_Rubrics (Microsoft Word 82kB Feb19 09)