Initial Publication Date: May 29, 2015

Geoscience at Grand Valley State University

Overview and Context

Grand Valley State University is an undergraduate university located in Allendale, Michigan, (near Grand Rapids) and was established in 1960 to meet the growing post-secondary needs of the western part of Michigan. Around 24,000 students are enrolled at the university, which is smaller than the other large universities in Michigan. Grand Valley State University serves many students from rural parts of Michigan and nearby Grand Rapids, the second largest city in the state.

Degree Programs

Bachelor of Arts

  • B.S. in geology
  • B.S. in dual geology-chemistry
  • B.S. in earth science (secondary teacher prep)

Bachelor of Sciences

Support for Diverse Students

Grand Valley State University is actively working with high schools in Michigan to get high school students college credit for advanced Geology courses. More information is provided about how this program works and how it attracts minority students on the Supporting Minority Students at Grand Valley State University web page.

Preparing Future Teachers

Participation in Interdisciplinary Programs

Serving the Campus Community

Additional Info