This post was edited by Mitchell Bender-Awalt on Feb, 2018
Hello everybody!
MathWorks and SERC are running a webinar on Thursday, April 28 that highlights resources and tips for teaching data processing and analysis, simulation, and modeling using MATLAB®. The focus will be on the curriculum materials created as part of the October 2015 Teaching Geoscience with MATLAB workshop (which many of you attended) sponsored by NAGT and MathWorks®.
Webinar title: Developing Quantitative Skills Using Geoscience Data and MATLAB®
Date and time: Thursday, April 28 at 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET
(Virtual live session, 1 hour)
Lisa Kempler, MATLAB Community Strategist, MathWorks
Andrew Fischer, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
Charly Bank, Earth Sciences, University of Toronto
Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Geology, Western Washington University
This 60-minute webinar will showcase the webpages and resources designed collaboratively by SERC and MathWorks for teaching undergraduates in Earth Science and related courses. These resources enable you to explore and find teaching tools that effectively combine key geoscience concepts with computation using MATLAB. The presenters will discuss common challenges of teaching quantitative skills, focusing on data visualization and analysis, and showcase three examples of geoscience teaching activities utilizing MATLAB as a tool:
1) Visualizing outcrop patterns from strike/dip data using MATLAB
2) Working with scientific data sets in MATLAB: An exploration of ocean color and sea surface temperature
3) Signal processing and earthquake triggering
During the webinar, participants are encouraged to ask questions live of the presenters via the chat session.
The webinar is free, but registration is required.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 26
Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested parties and departments.
Alice Newman, Science Education Resource Center
Lisa Kempler, MathWorks
Hello everybody!
MathWorks and SERC are running a webinar on Thursday, April 28 that highlights resources and tips for teaching data processing and analysis, simulation, and modeling using MATLAB®. The focus will be on the curriculum materials created as part of the October 2015 Teaching Geoscience with MATLAB workshop (which many of you attended) sponsored by NAGT and MathWorks®.
Webinar title: Developing Quantitative Skills Using Geoscience Data and MATLAB®
Date and time: Thursday, April 28 at 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET
(Virtual live session, 1 hour)
Lisa Kempler, MATLAB Community Strategist, MathWorks
Andrew Fischer, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
Charly Bank, Earth Sciences, University of Toronto
Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Geology, Western Washington University
This 60-minute webinar will showcase the webpages and resources designed collaboratively by SERC and MathWorks for teaching undergraduates in Earth Science and related courses. These resources enable you to explore and find teaching tools that effectively combine key geoscience concepts with computation using MATLAB. The presenters will discuss common challenges of teaching quantitative skills, focusing on data visualization and analysis, and showcase three examples of geoscience teaching activities utilizing MATLAB as a tool:
1) Visualizing outcrop patterns from strike/dip data using MATLAB
2) Working with scientific data sets in MATLAB: An exploration of ocean color and sea surface temperature
3) Signal processing and earthquake triggering
During the webinar, participants are encouraged to ask questions live of the presenters via the chat session.
The webinar is free, but registration is required.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 26
Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested parties and departments.
Alice Newman, Science Education Resource Center
Lisa Kempler, MathWorks