Workshop Anticipated Program
Jump down to: Day 1 Friday | Day 2 Saturday | Day 3 Sunday | Day 4 Monday | Educational Materials in the Workshop Binder
Alaskan plate tectonics, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes; seismic and GPS monitoring; earthquake preparedness


- 7:30 Coffee/tea & continental breakfast available in Atrium
- 8:00 Introduction and Overview of EarthScope ANGLE Workshop (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 29.8MB Apr5 19) (Jen Witter & Beth Pratt-Sitaula)
- 8:45 Beauty and the Beast: Plate Tectonics and Geological Hazards of Alaska (Rob Witter)
- 10:00 Break (Coffee/tea & other snacks in Atrium)
- 10:15 Icebreaker: Getting to know other people in the workshop
- 10:35 Basics of Geohazard Science and Related Teaching Activities (Instructional team)
- 12:00 Lunch (Served in Atrium)
- 1:00 Basics of Geohazard Science and Related Teaching Activities (Instructional team)
- 2:30 Break (Coffee/tea & other snacks in Atrium)
- 2:45 Surviving an Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone Earthquake - Markle (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.6MB Apr5 19) (Allen Markle)
- 3:30 Great ShakeOut and Quake Catcher Network (Bob de Groot)
- 4:10 Questions, Reflection, Implications (Instructional team)
- 4:40 Forms: Reimbursements, Stipends, Photo Permissions; Logistics for Day 2 Field Trip; Daily feedback form (Jen Witter)
- 5:00 Adjourn


Field Trip: Alaska earthquake and tsunami geology; EarthScope GPS installation; earthquake and tsunami emergency planning
- 7:30 Coffee/tea & continental breakfast available in Atrium
- 8:00-5:00 Bus departs from the ASD Education Center at 8:00am!
Stops: Sunset Park, Bird Point, Whittier, and Girdwood.
Field trip guide and boxed lunch will be provided on the bus.
(Rob Witter, Jen Witter, Beth Pratt-Sitaula) - Field Trip Guide: The 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami--Consequences of Living on the Leading Edge in Alaska
Alaskan plate tectonics, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes; seismic and GPS monitoring; earthquake preparedness


- 7:30 Coffee/tea & continental breakfast
- 8:00 Alaskan Earthquakes & Tsunamis and Related Teaching Activities (Instructional team)
- 10:00 Break
- 10:15 Tsunami: Are You Ready? (Summer Ohlendorf)
- 10:50 Alaskan Volcanoes and Related Teaching Activities (Jennifer Witter)
- 11:45 Thoughts/questions/reflection (Instructional team)
- 12:00 Lunch (Served in Atrium)
- 1:00 Oral Histories of 1964, Rural Alaskan Preparedness and Resilience (Rob & Jen Witter)
- 2:30 Break
- 2:45 Science & Preparedness Skit: Interpretation Through Storytelling & Humor (Instructional team)
- 3:00 Birds of a Feather Breakouts: Relating Geohazard Science to Learners at Various Venues (Informal Educators: Rob Witter, Bob de Groot; Teachers: Jen Witter, Eben, Erin Schneider)
- 3:45 Action Teams work on community educational project on earthquake, tsunami and volcano preparedness. Project plan will be presented on Day 4 of the workshop, and the results of the implementation will be presented at the Share-a-thon on Feb 6, 2021, in Anchorage.
- 5:00 Adjourn
Community natural hazard preparedness; Action Team presentations and post-workshop action plans


- 7:30 Coffee/tea & continental breakfast
- 8:00 Hazard Inventory Activity (Master Teachers, Ron Swartz, Stephen Brown)
- 8:40 Planning for Post-Event Personal and Community Resilience (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 86.5MB May29 18) (Ron Swartz & Stephen Brown)
- 9:20 Break
- 9:30 Response planning for a range of situations and places (Stephen Brown & Ron Swartz)
- 10:15 Debrief & discussion (Instructional team)
- 10:30 ANGLE-Related Digital Resources 2019 (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 1.4MB Apr8 19)
ANGLE-Related Digital Resources PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB Apr8 19)(Beth Pratt-Sitaula) - 11:15 Action Teams: Final preparations for presentations and discussion about the task, schedule, and logistics for each Action Team to develop their Share-a-Thon products.
- 12:00 Lunch (Action teams may want to sit together to continue discussions & planning)
- 1:00 Action Teams: Final preparations for presentations continued.
- 2:30 Action Teams: Present their ideas for development of Community Educational Programs on geohazard science and preparedness. 15 minutes total per group (10 minutes presentation; 5 minutes discussion). Groups are encouraged to model how they will present specific concepts in different educational settings.
- 3:15 Break
- 3:30 Action Teams: Presentations continued
- 4:30 Post-Workshop Survey
- 5:00 Adjourn
Educational Materials in the Workshop Binder
The activities found in the workshop binder are all available in the Educational Materials section of the website and cross referenced from the presentation links above as well. We list the activities again here in order of appearance in the binder in case that is helpful.
- Rocks are Elastic!! Seeing is Believing
- Fault Models for Teaching About Plate Tectonics
- World Map of Plate Boundaries
- Earthquake Machine
- Human Wave: Modeling P and S Waves
- Seismic Slinky: Modeling P and S waves
- Seismic Waves Viewer & SeismicEruption Software
- USArray Seismic Wave Visualizations
- Earthquake Location: With real seismogram data
- Plotting Earthquake Epicenters Activity (Acrobat (PDF) 3.6MB Sep10 22)
- Pasta Quake & Earthquake Magnitude
- Earthquake Hazard Maps & Liquefaction
- Build a Better Wall
- BOSS Model: Building Oscillation Seismic Simulation
- Base Isolation for Earthquake Resistance
- Alaska GPS Analysis
- Cupcake Geology: Interpreting Core Samples
- Investigating Factors That Affect Tsunami Inundation
- Earthquake Hazard Inventory & Mitigation Planning
- Be Smart, Be Prepared! Planning an Emergency Backpack
- Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures (TVES)
- "We Need All the Assistance You Have..."
- Measure a Changing Volcano
- Volcano Monitoring with GPS: Westdahl Volcano Alaska
- Exploring Tectonic Motions of Alaska & Western United States