USArray Seismic Wave Visualizations: Educator Information
Initial Publication Date: May 24, 2018


USArray Seismic Wave Visualizations: Teacher Information (Acrobat (PDF) 3.2MB May17 18)
These animations could be used as part of a unit on earthquakes and seismic data as an example of how geoscientists are working to better understand the structure of our Earth, particularly the North American continent. Learners should already know about P, S, and surface seismic waves.
Teaching Notes
- It is often helpful to play the animations more than once.
- If you run an animation all the way to the end, you will have a chance to show how seismic waves also travel "around the long way" as viewers watch the seismic waves sweep in from other direction.
Reference Information
- The animations, to which this notes document refers, were developed by the USArray portion of the EarthScope Program, which was run by IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology). IRIS subsequently merged with UNAVCO and became EarthScope Consortium. Supporting information and tutorials about the animations can be found on the Tutorial Data Visualizations page.
- The activity was presented as part of the EarthScope ANGLE Educator Workshops.