Alaskan Volcanoes & Hazards Presentation

This lecture and associated animations give a basic introduction to Alaskan volcanoes, volcanic hazards, and volcano monitoring.
Alaskan Volcanoes and Hazards (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 51.2MB Oct2 22)
Associated animations: Alaskan Volcanoes & Hazards (Zip Archive 8.6MB May31 18)
This resource is intended for introductory-level geoscience learners from secondary up to adult in a classroom or public lecture. It does not assume much prior knowledge although knowing the relationship between plate tectonics and volcano location would be a plus.
Teaching Notes
- The slides contain a variety of notes to help users know the intention of the author.
- All the animations associated with the presentation are embedded also also available above in a zipped file in case there are any issues.
- Most likely in a classroom setting an instructor might break this presentation into several sections that go along with different class activities. In the upper right corner of some slides you may see some text that refers to different learner activities that are part of the ANGLE project collection. This should give the user some idea of the slides we generally associate with different activities.
Related activities are:
Reference Information
Author/Developer: Beth Pratt-Sitaula (Central Washington University) with excerpts taken from presentations prepared by Alaska Volcano Observatory, Michelle Coombs (USGS), and Maite Agopian (EarthScope National Office UAF)- The resource was developed as part of the EarthScope ANGLE Educator Workshops.
- Contact ANGLE with questions or comments.